30 November 2004
looking at ur nick reminds me of loads of things i really dun want to remember...
very tireds.. back aching like siao...
oh yar... tml.... going chalet... yay~ *and finally... ha~* skipped bbq todae.. wondering if there's bbq tml... *grinz* <-- 贪吃鬼
i wonder if tml will be a beautiful day...
life is beautiful... only when u believe in it...
that was wad i said when i was in sec 1 & 2, trying to motivate myself to overcome a rather... unpleasant period of time in my life...
i wonder if it holds true up till now...
所以... 我只能在这里对你说声...
i hope it holds true... =)
加油... 还有... 你一定做得到的...
and so... pls let me continue believing in this...
29 November 2004
wonderful experience wif the sinseh.
originally wanted to go and see the doctor abt my back yesterday... in the end, cos it din hurt in the morning, so i tot, maybe it became better, and juz... continued rotting at home.... budden, later in the day, cos my family was organising my house... got all sorts of books getting thrown away, and i helped to throw some of the books away, had to bring those books from my house to the void deck... only such a simple thing, den my back started hurting again... den bo bian have to see doc mahz... since it's that serious...
so this morning... went to see doc... step out of the house.. starting biting my lips like siao... cos... knew it's going to be darn painful... but oso cannot chicken out last minute.. cos i'm the one bugging my mum to bring me to see doc...
so walk walk walk... until sinseh there... den... very very nervous....
and the whole treatment was... darn painful...
b4 i went in, was wondering if i made the right choice of going...
now.. it hurts like siao.. i can't believe wad would happen after i go back for treatment again..
on the other hand... somehow i managed to persuade my mum to make a pair of contacts for me.. wahahahaz... maybe this is the good thing that happened out of so many... jialats stuff which happened... sobz~
now my whole body is aching like siao...
and i'm still playing RO... :D
RO rawks big time... one day into the game and i'm an acolyte 39/28... can cry already... though the server has 3X experience... sobz... can die le.. =X
aniwae... supposed to be at chalet todae... but owning to the terrifying experience and the present situation i have... i decided that it's probably better to stay at home and rot... :P
sighz.. hope it wun hurt that much tml... sobz...
28 November 2004
wad did u mean by "good friends"?
does it mean that.... u chat wif that person everyday... about all your problems and stuff... gossip abt things happening... and go out on a regular basis?
or issit... the two of ur dun seem to chat a lot, and neither do ur go out a lot... but somehow, when the other is in trouble, one would go all out to help that person?
yesterday before weixiang left... he actually messaged me... hahaz... dunno y... i felt 感动...
maybe it felt good to be remembered by your friends... =)
hehez... xiangz kor... enjoy ur trip! :P
hmms... tml got ny class chalet... all of a sudden... i dun feel like going... maybe it's cos... of how the whole event appeared to have a lack of planning... cos the chalet is tml, and i still dunno when and where to meet yet... -_-''' and besides... my good friend is only going on tuesday... so now i feel like slacking a little.... :P though my hands are itching for mahjong.. *ha~* and that adderz is oso going... hmms.... but still... feel a little weird siaz...
shall see how... =X
and.. i still haven't bought my prom dress yet... arrgh~ *omg. i sound quite.. bitchy... -_-'''*
sighz... so much time it seems... but so many things to do.... i wanna learn jap, go finish reading prince of tennis.. XD and maybe somehow go try RO.... and finish watching kimi ga nozumu eien... *forgot how to spell the whole thing* and go brush up on my culinary skills.. ha~ *up till now still dunno how to crack the egg by hitting the side of the pot... ha~* and maybe... go wrap all my comics.. hahaz~ and how can i forget... to get myself employed...
zhixuan was saying yesterday that... all of us are officially unemployed... we ought to feel ashamed that we're the ones contributing to that 3.4% unemployment rate... -_-''' but.. hahaz~ it's time to start cracking.. i suppose... but that's probably in the middle of the dec or at the start of the jan holidays... hahaz~
sighz.. so much time... and it seems as though there's loads of things to do.. but... somehow... it still feels... as though... there's nothing much to do... except to sit and rot... *that's wad i'm doing now. =P*
maybe rotting isn't such a bad thing afterall... *winkz*
27 November 2004
hmms.. how i wish i'm so darn rich, so that i can own practically most comics in the whole wide world.. =X
dling naruto 110-111 now... feeling super 幸福 cos got so many comics and anime waiting for me to conquer... lolz~
went to school todae to visit juniors at the interaction concert thingy.... wif nico, sir seng, jiahong, zhixuan, liangsheng blah blah blah... went at abt 1+, den found out the concert was in the morning.. and junkai solo-ed 葡萄熟了 at his usual insane speed... and he played encore at the special request of the audience... oh mine... lolz~ but heard that the rest of the items weren't that good...
den games were the same old... got loads of water... except that i feel this year... the commitee is quite creative... they came up wif their own... sadistic.. ways of playing games.... the game station i was stuck observing for a long long time was... the station my sis, eugene ger and gang were at... basically, the groups have to first somehow balance a can of half filled water in a rather weird position... den, the whole group crawl through this little maze set up by tables and.. rubbish bags.. lolz~ and at the end of the maze when everybody crawled out, they're greeted wif 难忘的泼水节.... everybody was bound to get wet... next up, the whole group muz run and try to get a bite of this small apple floating in a pail of water, and after that, one group member would try to pour this pail of water into another pail held by his other group member abt half a meter away.... and the groups have to finish all these within 150 seconds... sadistic siaz....
and of course... we were not... totally safe.. hahaz...
there were several attempts made to try and sneak attack on us...but.. hey heyz... i managed to get past it... *grinz* but other pple like.. eh.. sir seng... and liang sheng.. they weren't so lucky.. hehez~ then there was zhiyong and timo who were trying to sneak up on us, pretending that they were up to no good, when dey dun have water wif them at all... lolz~
and.... when we got bored, we went to the other station... where most pple there were sorta slacking... den met jiahong there.. and he took out his theory papers to start mugging... *cos his exam is on the coming monday...* den all of us crowded round him to discuss music theory... and... we were constantly pestered by the groups playing the scavenger hunt... for atm cards, black shoe laces, pilot g1 pens... bus tickets.... blah blah blah... and sony erisson phones... so in the end, whenever any "suspicious" characters tried to come close to our bench, jiahong would automatically say.. we dun have this this this that that... -_-'''
after that, waited for my sis to go west mall together... supposed to meet up wif my mum and dad at west mall there, but had a bad headache since i arrived in school... so ended up going home and not shopping wif my mum at west mall... but b4 i left... shopped a little wif my sis... saw this nice cross stitch which i was tempted a little to start cross stitching again *nononononno~* and my sis went to try out this blue shirt... and we looked at necklaces a little... hahaz.. wish that we could do this more often... =)
back home, slept from 7 till 8.30++... headache wasn't gone still... siandeds... den no choice bo bian went to eat panadol... den finally better le... :P that's y i'm up here typing blog. muahahahahaz...
sighz... wonder wad would happen tomoloz... going to see sinseh tml.... a bit scared cos first time.. and heard it's going to be painful... *sobz* but oh well, it's better than having an aching back everyday... and end up having no 精神 the whole day... sighz...
but for now... back to prince of tennis... =) *droolz at the nice moves the prince has... =P*
26 November 2004
woke up from the pain in the back. -_-''' and from a dream which i can't classify whether it's a nightmare or a nice dream.... it's neither...
but when i woke up, my mood is like the weather out there....
*stormy clouds.... wif a slight cold breeze*
weijie once said that... your body gives u signals of your actions.... like... if u hurt ur ankle.... u're running away from your problems... so... wad abt your back? hahaz... cos... my back is causing my ankle to hurt already...
now even salonpas wun save me... :'(
now that the a levels are here... somehow... i feel... lost and blank... not that i miss a levels... i hate them totally.... it's juz.... the things that come after As.... makes me feel totally siandeds...
so many things pending to be solved... and for things to come to an end...
i'm... afraid...
hahaz... baka... -_-'''
chatted a bit wif pansy yesterday.... came to the conclusion that i ought to spend more time wif my family... i dunno y... when i described my problems to her... they sound so.... 不起眼... maybe it's only me bah... maybe it's cos it's something which happened quite some time ago le.. but to me... it still hurt loads... n... the two of us both agreed it's not something which can be solved juz liddat... it takes time...
how much time would it take?
hahaz.. y am i so impatient? dotz~
besides that... i can sense that... loads of pple are going to suffer from the post-a levels syndrome... n somehow... i hope i can be there for them...
dotz... it sounded furnies... -_-'''
i realised that.. i really dunno how to communicate... at the end of 14 years of education....
sad case siaz...
at the end of my two years in hc... i realised that... i've never adapted to life in hc... wad do we get after working so hard on books for 14 years? juz a few pieces of paper and an empty soul...
then wad's the point of being educated... -_-'''
opps.. getting a bit incoherent le... muz be the post exams syndrome... hahahaz...
all of a sudden... i wanna prove to u and the world that... it's possible to have friendships that last foreva...
25 November 2004
还是算了, 起床读书咯...
回头看了看昨晚写的那篇entry... 觉得自己真的是太自我了... "during this a levels period.. my sine curve approached 3pi/2..." 现在回想起来, 不只是我在这段期间进入了我的低潮, 别人也是啊...
或许, 就像你说的, 我就是那么的insensitive...
哈哈... 我跑去找了一本字典, 查寻insensitive的定义.... insensitive 指的是感情迟钝的,无感觉的,无感受性的...
哈哈... 这的确是我...
忽然间, 我明白为什么问你我那里感情迟钝, 你并没说出我迟顿的地方...
可是... 你自己还不是一样的吗?
我完全不明白自己, 为什么我会那么执著... 一直想用言语来唤醒你... 结果一点用都没有...
不论我怎么说, 你也还是在自己的世界里打转...
你一直在逃避.... 难道不会累吗?
当面对问题时, 一直对自己说, 根本没问题.... 这样问题会就这样的消失吗?
你这样做, 对得起那些关心你的人吗? 周围有很多想关心你的人啊... 可是你听不到, 看不到, 以为可以靠自己的力量解决一切... 但是你一直在逃避... 人家想帮你出面解决问题, 一方面你一言不发, 什么问题都不跟人说, 人家怎么帮你? 其次, 如果人家真的出面帮你, 你又会不爽... 那你就得靠自己解决问题, 而不是就坐在那里, 等问题自己解决, 还让关心你的人担心...
不是人家不想关心你... 是你自己将自己隔绝, 不愿让任何人靠近...
你知道吗? 世上不只是由你一个人罢了... 每个人都有他们自己的问题啊... 可是, 不是每个人都会选择逃避... 也不是每个人在面对问题时将自己隔绝... 因为他们明白, 这样做, 对很多人不公平... 尤其是那些关心他们的人... 相反的, 他们还会自动自发地跑去关心别人, 就算自己的问题以够逼昏他们的头...
你有可能说... 这些人只是在利用别人的问题来让自己暂时忘了自己的问题... 但你又是否曾经将自己换成他们... 想想他们的苦衷呢? 或是试着去了解别人的痛呢?
说了这么多, 想必你也只是觉得我唠叨啰嗦罢了...
这样子直截地把我的感性都说了出来, 我觉得对你的伤害很大...
其实我自己也不好受... 不过我是真心的希望你能醒醒... 不要在欺骗自己了...
你认为你这两年里快乐吗? 有真正的快乐过吗? 我知道这个问题很残忍... 不过, 如果你没有... 你也应该让过去成为过去, 试着去寻找自己的幸福了... 这并不容易, 不过只要你有意念, 相信这并不是做不到的...
嗨~ 反正在这里说了这么多, 你也不知道我在这里说你.... 哈哈...
就当作我一直在烦你吧... 就把我当坏人吧...
可是, 这次的坏人, 我想我是做定了... 要打要骂尽管来吧...
24 November 2004
and i started practising wif my sis again...
it feels totally great.. =)
not taking the backpain into consideration of course...
finally... i survived the ordeal... of physics 3 and fmaths paper 2... wif that back pain... and that somehow i managed to do the two papers in a somewhat alert mode... in which straight after the papers, i zoned out immediately.
though the end of a levels is one day away *only... yay!*.... somehow i'm already starting to feel aimless...
juz like wad jiahong said... "haha.. soon you'll be bored to tears having nothing to do bah.. ha~"
is this wad they call... the post exams syndrome? lolz~
during this a levels period.. my sine curve approached 3pi/2... somehow, i hope after all this... it can start approaching 2pi...
tireds.. very very tireds.
and afraid... of the things coming ahead...
it's something which i can't really explain now... maybe i'll realise y i feel this way when that something happens...
somehow... both the physical and mental agony starts coming back once the exam is over where i have to force myself to let go of all these...
but now that everything's going to be over, it's all coming back.
i dun understand... it's already over, but y issit that when i look back, i still feel... the pain?
i guess those wounds are still fresh...
and... thinking of all those promises i have made, and all the stuff i have to do after exams... juz makes me feel a different type of.. stress? lolz~
arrgh. i wana read prince of tennis... lolz~ but this comp is darn laggy, and juz like wad my sis complained... a particular individual hogs the other comp the whole day, which is faster and better... so... story at the end of the day, i can't read prince of tennis... sobz~
speak of being aimless. hahaz~
for once, i thought i've found my goal... now it's back to drifting again.. until someone picks me up again and exerts a force on me to change my state of motion/rest...
or maybe that person could set up a periodic driving force, and me, as the oscillating system, can respond wif maximum amplitude to this driving force.
hahaz. i think i've gone mad...
ps. i juz knocked my knee... ouch. :'(
23 November 2004
for once... i actually felt refreshed after a night's sleep...
with two plasters stuck to my back...
hahaz.. i LOVE salonpas... :D
even had a dream last nite... somehow i dreamt i was wif my sis at breadtalk trying to figure out wad bread to buy home... muahahahaz.. -_-''' let's hope something liddat can happen in reality soon... =)
but upon waking up to reality.... 1. have to say bye bye to those plasters.. sobz~ 2. have to start worrying abt physics!!! jialats.... and fmaths too.... wah~ *gone crazy*
and now i'm starting to eat my breakfast while reading prince of tennis... =D
now u know how come randy doesn't get his treat.... -_-'''
21 November 2004
juz now... dunno whether i feel like slapping my brother or nots... that selfish little gamemugger.... my mum asked him to help her carry some papers to pack them for recycling... cos i was washing up... and my dad was busy, and my sis went out for co, and den my brother was complaining y she asked him to help... and he was so impatient and showed attitude lohz. wad de.... i wasn't exactly angry... rather... i was... feeling that somehow, i failed as a sis to make him realise that wad he's doing was extremely selfish...
and i felt that my mum was feeling extremely 无奈 towards my brother... afterall, she spends the most time wif him out of everyone in the family, n she takes care of him the most... *talk abt being 偏心... hahaz...* n yet he's the most apathetic...
talk abt this quote again... "You treat those that are close to you not as well as those that are not as close"....
somehow... i wish i have to power to make my brother grow up...
first... my comp got prob again... msn couldn't sign in... muz be cos of my brother dling all sorts of stuff again... sians... now finally when everybody's asleep... come and use the comp here... bleaghz~ lolz~
next... fmaths revision isn't going on well. i'm all screwed up for mechanics... tomoloz studying stats... when my mech is going to die le... 神啊~ 救救我吧!sighz...
and wad's more... juz now after dinner, i juz *pomp* onto my sofa and started sleeping... and woke up only at 11pm. siandeds... din get to mug more mech which i wanted to... sighz... and now i'm ranting here on my blog... and hoping that my mech improves juz liddat. -_-'''
my back seems to be getting nowhere better... maybe i should really visit a doctor after a levels. -_-'''
now reading prince of tennis... omg... the prince is so shuai!!! lolz~ *droolz*
19 November 2004
i dunno whether i even feel anything for singapore idol now.. come to think of it.. it's really furnie how pple can get so affected by a program like this.... lolz~
i'm going to miss her great vocals... and her personality...
will a company out there offer olinda a contract? so that we can still hear her sing? lolz~
刚送应惠回家... 便下起倾盆大雨... 就撑着雨伞, 慢条斯理的走回家... 本来还想成这个难得的机会来淋淋雨... 哈哈... 不过怕淋了雨回家会让妈妈担心... *bleaghz* 所以便很不甘心的从书包的某一个深处挖出了伞... -_-'''
现在... 刚泡了一杯热汤... cambell soup 真是好喝... 哈哈... 刚刚还问了弟弟和妹妹要不要我顺便泡给他们喝,他们竟然跟我 “保持联络”... 哈哈... 可见得我这个姐是多么的失败... 哈哈...
哎呀... 刚刚还烫到嘴... -_-'''
好吧,该原归正传了... 今天... 在考场里做完了卷子,怎么也不能把心静下来检查答案... 拼命在那边胡思乱想... 结果化学卷子考得乱七八糟的... 我的四科 “A” 就这样的泡汤了... 哈哈.... 那说不定就是我的报应吧... =P 永明,对不起... 剥夺了你吃到我请的翡翠... *eh... i mean.. crystal jade... hahaz... -_-''' my chinese 烂 larz... wad u wan... -_-'''*
我妈曾说过.... 亲情,友情,以及爱情都不是永恒的... 那时的我一直不肯相信,一味往外跑,为的是寻找心里希望存在的永恒... 可是,奔波了大约 5, 6 年... 我才发现... 原来我一直站在原地,不曾离开过半步... 哈哈...
天下无不散之筵席... 这一点,或许我比他人还了解... 不论花儿开得多么灿烂,它始终都会枯萎...
或许,一直以来,都是我在自作多情... 什么才能称得上是永远?世上的一切,没有一样是永恒的... 生命不是永恒的,更何况是在那短暂的人生中的那几段感情? 有一度,我从不相信友谊,到相信友情可到永远... 现在,我却又要回到原地...
今天,被人“鸟”了... 我跟一个朋友对话,说到我的妹妹比我固执... 结果我朋友回答道:“至少她的固执是有目标的,那叫做恒心和有意念,不像你... 你的固执毫无目的...”
结果,当我在做化学卷子时,我的脑子时不时地会想起当时的对话... 连我都开始同意我朋友所说的那句话... 我这个人真的是太失败了...
“我爱你”、“好好照顾自己”.... 这几句话... 好想跟我所爱、所关心的人说... 可是我却不懂得如何表达... 结果,我一事无成,本想照顾周边的人,反而却伤害了他们...
突然想到我妹妹曾爱唱的... “什么是情~ 什么是爱~ 为什么爱~ 会变成了害~”
明明很讨厌那些不讲义气的人... 最终,我发现不讲义气的人是我... 刚刚回家时,感到有点不安,因为我没有等我的两个朋友就跟另一个朋友回家了... 那个朋友看出我感到有点不安... 问我到底发生什么事,我便道... 好像 pangseh 了另外两个朋友... 没想到她便回答道... “aiyah... 哪里有什么 pangseh 不 pangseh 的... 他们又不是不懂得怎么回家...”
像我这么烂的朋友,上哪都找不到... 所以,你们一个两个乘早把我这个损友给甩了吧...
考试时,脑海里一直播着这首歌... 是个让我想起许多回忆的歌... 想到丽婵、星慧、还有我这一届 nyco xyz 的所有人...
你的心情总在飞 什么事都想去追
你的心那么脆 一碰就会碎
但是天总会黑 人总要离别
而孤单的滋味 谁都要面对
不只是你我 会感觉到疲惫
你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
18 November 2004
slept for 1.5hours++... such a pig.... hahaz...
tagboard is down.... haiz.... cannot leave messages on pple's blog... furnies why i'm whining down here... lolz~
todae was physics paper.... and i died horribly for it... for the mcq paper.. when the teacher was collecting our optical mark sheet... den i turned to look at my ex-classmate jiajing's paper.. and realised loads of my answers were different from hers... saw it and was mega sian diaos... very demoralised siaz.... den slept during the break between the two papers... paper 2 wasn't as good either... but at least... it wasn't as bad as my paper 1... which i think i got 1/3 of the questions wrong... and up till now my paper 2 i only discovered 1 mistake cos... i dun dare to go ask ard... lolz~
ignorance is bliss... yay~
aniwae... b4 i came home todae.... was walking round west mall *as usual*... den inside sans bookshop.... was trying to hear this radio program talking abt how pple who experience grief due to eg. death of a loved one... there's no need to try to run away from ur grief.. or to numb ur pain... becos it's natural to feel depressed and the pain... wad one should do would be to vent out their emotions... den i was standing in the shop there.. trying to look interested in comics... budden actually i was straining my ears to listen to the radio... so stupid.. lolz~ then there was this group of girls who were darn noisy... den somemore standing at the manga section... arrgh~ but aniwae.... it was an interesting program... learnt that there's online counselling service.... and that we can vent our emotions by confiding in someone whom we trust... eg. close friends, or cousellors... or we can write in our personal diaries, or online blogging... blah blah blah...
this might be useful in the future... =P
aniwae... to a certain individual out there... the chinese translation of blog is not "卜漏克", but "网记"... hahaz... though i know he doesn't even know the presence of my blog... muahahaz... *den this gives me chance to niao him more... muahahahaz~ i think i sound so evil. but i am... hahahaz~ =P*
back still aching now.. wonder wad's wrong wif it... maybe i sprained it or something.. or one of my backbones is out of place. dunno. haiz~
17 November 2004
16 November 2004
haiz~ such a nice blurb of kiss、绝交、kiss... book 9... haiz... looking at this whole chunk of words makes me feel like crying even when i was looking at the back of the book at comics connection... lolz~ so embarrassing.. =X
aniwae... still mugging for chem.. and my revision seems to be getting nowhere.. =Shaiz... jiayouz to everyone out there mugging hard for chem paper tomoloz.. and...
no matter how hard it is.... i'll have to keep walking down this path till the very end... hehz~ =)
i guess i was really tireds.. cos when i went to sleep.. i juz slept like a pig for 1.5 hours... exceeded my original plan of 1 hour... siandeds... =X
oh yar.. b4 i forget... after a levels i think i should really change the format of my blog... hahahaz... =P
now... thinking of how to start chem revision.... at least now i feel slightly refreshed.... =)
i think the crux of my problem now is that... i'm too tensed... i can feel the strain on my back already... even when i woke up... my spine aches... jialats... it's either my sleeping position salah or my muscles really too tensed le... i need a massage.. *tears in eyes* dotz. doesn't this sound familiar? -_-'''
sighz.. getting fat... these few days kept eating.. den never exercise.. plus the whole day i've been sitting down to do my revision... den juz now sleep so much somemore... haiz.. after the end of a levels i'll surely become full time pig... =X FTP... hmms.. interesting....
oh.. speaking of a levels.. juz now for maths paper.. i can't believe wad i did... i finished and checked through the paper at ard 10+... den too tired... knocked out for abt 10 minutes... den struggled to stay awake for the rest of the paper... muz check mahz... den.... so... hahaz.. i started scribbling nonsense on my paper... -_-''' maybe when i get back the paper.. i can scan in that page on the qn paper for... erms... ur reference? lolz~
haiz.. maths paper.. i've got quite a... weird feeling abt it.. dunno how to describe it.. but.. oh well... hahaz... at least it's over.. and tml's chem... sheesh.. even more jialats. haiz...
the thought of chem paper tml juz.. haiz... maybe i should start mugging chem now... =X
sorry to.. all those who tried to talk to me juz now... i think i was really in a daze juz now.. cos too tireds after the maths paper... bleaghz... sighz~
juz wanna post this lyrics online now.. hahaz... wanted to post it a long long time ago le... but no right to do so since i din have the cd... lolz~ wad logic is this? lolz~
曲:林毅心 词:小寒 编:吴庆隆
绕着上路 走的累了 去留片刻 要如何取舍
前年捡的 美丽贝壳 心不透彻 不会懂多难得
就能平息了脉搏 却忘了在逃什么
我的爱 明明还在 转身了才明白
该把幸福 找回来 而不是各自缅怀
我会在 沿海地带 等着潮汐更改 送你回来
你走路姿态 微笑的神态 见你是曾错过的 真爱
好让心更坚定 彼此更接近 真爱
我的爱 明明还在 转身了才明白
该把幸福 找回来 而不是各自缅怀
我会在沿海地带 等着潮汐更改 学着忍耐
不再怕伤害 不再怕期待 见你时那才是我真爱
15 November 2004
You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
hahaz... did more quizilla... :P oh well.. i'm quite bored.. =P hahaz... me? represent hope? this muz be some kind of a joke... :P
aniwae... todae went out to mug again... woke up early again.... den felt like going back to sleep cos i'm really really very very tired.... the effects of sleeping late and waking up early is starting to show already.... and even now... my back's aching like siao... sighz... i need a massage... *tears in eyes* lolz~
due to my sianded-ness... i juz re-read my entire blog again... took me less than an hour... furnies siaz... dunno whether it's a good thing or not.. lolz~ all of a sudden.. my ankle hurts... sighz~ and somehow i keep having the idea that todae is a sunday... -_-'''
sighz... think i'm getting incoherent... shall stop b4 i go totally seh~
14 November 2004
and that's when.. it's always important to remember that... never close up ur heart to others.. especially those who are in need of help... =)
been thinking abt stuff... *again*... juz like wad junyi said... everybody has their own problems... but even with our own problems, we should never close our hearts and reject those who need our support and help... because others have done so for our own troubles and problems... =)
so... never forget this... and... carry out ur actions according to this belief... =)
aniwae... juz wanna put down my friend's nick here... cos it's quite interesting.. =)
伤心和委屈的时候,要嚎啕大哭。哭完洗完脸,拍拍自己的脸,挤出一个微笑给 自己看。不要揉,否则第二天早上会眼睛肿。
interesting right? hahaz... i shall remember this nifty piece of advice.. :P
and for now... since junyi has shown such a sudden interest in this song.. i tot i shall put the song lyrics up for now.. :P
曲:林毅心 词:阿管 编:Mool/Yugi
彷佛上一分钟 你还陪在我左右
我还记得玫瑰色天空 却模糊了我们的脸孔
* 彷佛已经自由 下一刻我变成风
吹过你的领空 差点失控 回忆在夜里闹得很凶
想让你知道我懂 却担心言不由衷
# 我们都接受 一定是彼此不够成熟
诚实得过了头 不能退后也无法向前走
爱是一个自私的念头 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感动 能记得多久
Repeat * #
woke up thinking of... a levels. more siandeds...
nvm... to cheer myself up... shall start ranting wif all the weird and embarrassing(?) stuff which happened to me these few days...
1. i think... 2 days ago.. as i was walking from my house to the bus stop so that i can go to school to join the guys for swimming... i was thinking while walking.... wad if my clothes got wet cos we going to the pool... i might get dumped inside the pool... *aiyah... random thoughts mahz..* cos i din bring extra shorts.... and then... guess wad? i was juz below this block of flats.. and all of a sudden this person living on the 8th floor juz.... started pouring water out of her window. *start playing 难忘的泼水节* lucky i reacted in time ar.. never went into the area of attack... *wah.. somemore a sneak attack from above lehz.* i looked up at block to see who's the person who tried to 袭击 me... couldn't see the face... and that person juz kept pouring the water... -_-''' mega sian diaos...
2. yesterday nite i had a dream... i dreamt that i was in my house.. talking to my mum... and on the dining table.. there were loads of mushrooms.... *remember these few days it's always raining and last week loads of mushrooms started sprouting at the path near my house?* yar... apparently someone in the house had lost his/her mind and went to pick all these mushrooms up... and my mum was saying that we can cook them for dinner... -_-''' den i pointed out to her that there are white spots on some of the mushrooms... and then she gasps and said... oh sheesh.. these are poisonous mushrooms!!! *phew~ lucky i never discover only when we already ate it for dinner..* -_-''' (for more info regarding to mushrooms.. u can refer to my sis' blog... =P)
3. yesterday.. everywhere i went... i seemed to have crossed the path of bananas. b4 i went out... muz first confront the bunch of bananas hanging on my door.... got out of the house.... started walking... and this disgusting "aroma" of bananas juz drifted into my path... *of all paths somemore. sians.* and juz b4 i went home yesterday... i saw this pasam malam with this stall selling.. bananas. come home... saw bananas again at my door... and weijie juz started talking abt bananas again... -_-''' okies larz.. at least it's better than forcing me to eat 20 bananas at one go. -_-'''
4. okies larz.. starting from 3.. the events are no longer weird le bah. i'm juz the weirdo here who classified these as "weird". maybe it's cos i'm not fully awake yet.. :P so... the 4th event is... actually.. me.. hahaz.. dotz... jokings larz.... (dun start throwing rotten eggs at me... =X)
5. my mum is super nice to me these few days... *wait. lemme say this in advance... this is NOT a weird event...* a few days ago... she bought me this totally orange shirt... :D :D :D oh mine... and after that.. yesterday she bought me a pendant.... haiz... *this makes me sound like i'm such a materialistic person... but oh well.. maybe i am? :P* feeling bad cos i haven't really been a good daughter so far... neither am i a good sister... haiz~
okies larz... i'm running out of things to say already... *readers: phew~* hahaz... maybe shall be back laters to talk more... muahahahaz~ sighz... now back to listening first love and.. thinking more of how to finish studying for a levels...
13 November 2004
aniwae... after singing... went to "mug"... *notice the inverted commas* went to millenia walk there... the burger king.... started mugging at ard 4.... den until 6.30 everybody too tireds le.... buay tahan... went home. -_-''' budden b4 dat... went for dinner wif kelvin.. ended up reaching home at... 930pm++... hahaz....
too tireds now to say anything le... eating peanuts now... by tml, i predict that my voice would be gone.. but hu cares now? especially when i've sung ktv already? muahahahahaz... dotz~
maybe tml would be a better mugging dae for me. haiz... todae only did 1 mcq paper... den tried abit of paper 2 qn.... up till now start from qn 5... and finished halfway of 9, which is data analysis. siandeds... cos got qns which i totally dunno how to do. -_-''' haiz.. HOW TO GO FOR EXAM LIDDAT???? haiz~
aniwae... now.. back to listening to first love and eating peanuts. =X
11 November 2004
started thinking... abt issues discussed in RO...
like... whether it's selfish to be demanding for attention...
like... how pple can lose their way in their pursuit for their goals that they forgot what they were looking for in the first place....
like... how some pple's motivation to go on is to be useful to others...
like... true strength isn't using strength itself... it's the heart that seeks and connects pple...
overall, i think this anime is not bad... but of course it can't be compared to fullmoon wo sagashite.. since it made me cry like siao, whereas RO made me cry at two scenes only.... hahaz.. dotz... the story plot gets really interesting as it approaches the end.... unlike the rather boring start... which is good... and the music is not bad too... i can still remember how every episode start wif the bright "we are the stars~~~" lalalalaz...
now... watching loads of j-pop mtvs which i took like... 2 months to dl le? hahaz.. dotz... budden... now... watching First Love mtv... somehow feel that... maybe there's another way to sing this song. :P oh well... lalalalaz... *who am i to talk abt this. a singer? dotz.* so now all of a sudden i feel like trying to master singing this song. *omg. i think i'm mad. =P*
First Love
sung by Utada Hikaru
Romaji Lyrics/English Translation
Saigo no kisu wa
Tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori
the last kiss
tasted like tobacco
a bitter and sad smell
Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Anata wa doko ni iru n' darou
Dare wo omotte 'ru n' darou
tomorrow, at this time
where will you be?
who will you be thinking about?
You are always gonna be my love
Itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
you are always gonna be my love
even if I fall in love with someone once again
I'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song
Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugoki-dasou to shite 'ru
Wasuretaku nai koto bakari
the paused time is
about to start moving
there's many things that I don't want to forget about
Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Watashi wa kitto naite 'ru
Anata wo omotte 'ru n' darou
tomorrow, at this time
I will probably be crying
I will probably be thinking about you
You will always be inside my heart
Itsu mo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
you will always be inside my heart
you will always have your own place
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
now and forever you are still the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song
You are always gonna be my love
Itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now and forever...
you are always gonna be my love
even if I fall in love with someone once again
I'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song
09 November 2004
juz watched xiu chu zhen wo 2.... den now got this aiyoyo bao bei show going on... watching the show... saw this little boy who was darn helpful.... there's this fake ah po who fell down and is in need of help... den this boy ownself without the ah po asking... went to her aid... sighz... makes me 感触良多...
tried to play mahjong online again... realised that wad i'm actually missing is the touch... the feel... of... pong-ing... and chi-ing... hahaz.. dunno y yesterday so amused by mahjong online... now so siandeds by it... maybe that's wad humans are... fickle minded creatures. :P
watched RO juz now... and in the morning before the maths paper... oh yar.. maths paper was... easier than i thought... at least i could do without studying... sighz... and... i wanna sing ktv!!! bleaghz.
speaking of RO... the anime has loads of interesting stuff... like... "bamboos don't return force with force. instead it takes the force and flows along with it..." makes me start to wonder wad's true strength in this world is...
oh... my sis has gotten a new camera... and she juz took a snapshot of ME!!!!! she wanna die from seeing the... ghost in the picture ar. dotz~ and.. that flash was blinding... even when i wasn't looking straight at the camera, my eyes were almost blinded. -_-'''
heyz! i'm telling u here... u better send me -THAT- picture... or else....
*evil sniggers*
08 November 2004
Brain Lateralization Test Results |
Right Brain (32%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (54%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain |
Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.Overall you appear to be Left Brain Dominant.
-----------------------------------------According to Darwinian theory, optimal evolution takes place with random variation and selective retention. The evolution savvy individual will try many different approaches when faced with a problem and select the best of those approaches. Many historical intellectuals have confessed their advantage was simply
considering/exploring/trying more approaches than others. The left brain dominant type suffers from limited approaches, narrow-mindedness. The right brain dominant type suffers from too many approaches, scatterbrained. To maintain balanced hemispheres, you need to exercise both variability and selection. Just as a company will have more chance of finding a great candidate by increasing their applicant pool, an individual who considers a wider set of options is more likely to make quality decisions.
big news!!!
Posted on Wednesday, September 06, 2000Topic: Local News
by Ayam Goreng
Top student Chow Mah Ger, 18, of Raffles Junior College, widened his eyes upon receiving his 'A' level results, creating the widespread impression that the 4 A's he obtained in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Maths 'C', A1's in General Paper and Chinese, as well as Special Paper Distinctions in Chemistry, Biology and Physics, were totally unexpected.
"This is unbelievable," Chow was reported saying to himself, audibly enough for his curious classmates to hear, but not too loud as to appear as if he was gloating over the entire school population, "I never expected this at all."
By affecting a certain trembling of his hands while removing the results slip from its envelope, and subsequently gulping as he saw his grades revealed by a gradual inching over the envelope's edge, Chow was able to orchestrate the overall illusion that his results were achieved purely by chance, rather than through countless hours of anti-social mugging in the school library.
"It's not as if it's a big shock to all of us," remarked Jacklyn Seet, 18, his classmate, who would only mention that her results were 'not as impressive'. "Mah Ger has always been the biggest mugger in the class. He's got this special system of highlighting his notes, switching between purple, green, blue, pink and yellow, so his notes always look like some crazy colour chart. But if you ask me, it's to make his notes look like such an eyesore that nobody else would want to read them."
This possessive streak in Mah Ger's studying habits has not escaped the notice of other students who share lecture halls with him.
According to rugby captain and retainee Andy Seow, 20, "Mah Ger was this guy who sat right in front of the lecture, bent over, adjusting his specs, and clamping about 10 different highlighters between his thighs. We all thought he was too poor to afford higher degree spectacles or something and I guess we sort of pitied the guy. But the thing was that he sat in front so that he could snatch the transparency from the lecturer in case he couldn't finish copying in time."
Upon further nudging, Seow reluctantly shared the following anecdote: "See, there was this one time when I think he didn't cap his highlighters properly and so the crotch area of his white pants sort of got stained with these rainbow-coloured markings. And believe it or not, the guy wasn't even aware of it. When he walked past the rugby table, we all started singing the Paddle Pop song, but he still didn't get it."
"What I don't get is why he has to act like he's so surprised at getting his results," remarked Nizam Haron, 18, Mah Ger's alleged rival in the school's Chemistry Olympiad team. 'He's a total muggertoad, no girlfriend, no TV, he doesn't even turn up for class barbecues. I bet you he already knew what grades he was getting immediately after the papers. I had the good fortune of taking the train back with him after the exams and he kept trying to compare his answers with mine. There was this long debate we had about the structure of benzene and he called me up the next morning to tell me that he was right after reading up Paterson's Organic Chemistry. And he kept going on about how he's only managed to detect two mistakes so far, and he had the feeling that his A was in the bag. Big deal. All I wanted at that point was to go out and party."
When asked if he had attended the Prom Night, the school's glitzy end-of-year affair where students indulge in rounds of autographs, photo-taking, and general nostalgia, Chow could only offer a bashful smile and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit too overwhelmed right now, this whole thing is just so unexpected." He then returned to the task of posing for press photographs, beaming widely, and holding his results slip in his hands in triumphant poses.
After using the words 'unexpected' and 'surprised' at least 30 times throughout the course of the day, including their equivalent versions in Mandarin for the benefit of the Chinese papers, Mah Ger was able to share with us his impressive list of ECA achievements, which included being the Chairman of the Wargamers' Society, Vice-Chairman of the Horticultural Club, a Treasurer of the Computing Society, as well as manning the water station for the inter-faculty Cross Country competition a year ago. He was also an amateur pipa player and shook the tambourine during a mini-concert on Teacher's Day as a member of a short-lived band called 'Chain Reaction', consisting mainly of gangly, awkward, zero-charisma Triple Science students.
Vikram Naidu, 18, a student councillor, had a few parting shots: "He really shouldn't have overdone the 'totally stunned' look. Is Mah Ger going to get his A's? Is the Pope Catholic? Tomorrow we're all going to see him in the papers, top student, active in ECA's, now in Officer Cadet School, which is a mystery to all of us because this was the guy who skipped PE lessons when the school was being painted because he claimed the fumes made him giddy."
"I'm sure he's going to brag about how he achieved it all through consistent hard work, and fail to mention the fact that the librarian often used to jangle her keys in front of his face and chase him out of the library or how he's completed his ten-year series books three times over," continued Mr. Naidu. " And if it's the Mah Ger we all know, he might even mention the fact that he was even nominated for Prom King. The sad thing is everyone in the entire school knew it was a sabo job, except him."
When asked if Chow eventually turned up for the Prom, Naidu erupted in a burst of laughter and replied, "Did Mah Ger attend the Prom? Does the sun rise in the West?"
07 November 2004
more!! we want more!!!!
erps. okies. juz gone crazy...
here's more on personality tests...
Main Type | Overall Self |
![]() | ![]() |
Enneagram Test Results
Your variant is social |
hehez.. i din know that taking such tests can be so fun... think now i'm hooked to this. wahahahaz... okies. enuff. time to start mugging again. siandeds.
Global Personality Test Results |
Stability (41%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (57%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun. Extraversion (28%) low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
hahaz... nice personality test... if u look further at the trait snapshots...
trait snapshot:
does not make friends easily, secretive, introverted,
reclusive, observer, dislikes leadership, does not like to stand out, dislikes
large parties, values solitude, solitary, nihilistic, does not fit in, does not
want to fit in, submissive, unassertive, suspicious, prudent, unadventurous,
worrying, weird, intellectual, frequently second guesses self...
oh well. i really am weird. :P
and guess wad? omg. i have so many personality disorders. *gasps*
Personality Disorder Test Results
personality tests by similarminds.com
Disorder Info
Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic. Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships.Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful.
Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism
Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
oh wait.. there's more...
Eysenck's Test Results |
Extraversion (42%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Neuroticism (52%) medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Psychoticism (21%) low which suggests you are overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense too often of your own individual development (martyr complex). |
personality tests by similarminds.com
oh man. i think i've juz gone crazy doing all these tests. dotz~
haiz... chem paper 3 tml... wad if i've already given up on it? sighz~ i've got a really really bad feeling abt all my a levels papers. at the rate i'm going.. i'm really really dead meat. tell me more abt saccharomyces cerevisiae... which i had forgotten wad this was called juz a split second ago, and i had to refer to my notes again to check. sighz~
神啊~ 救救我吧~
06 November 2004
sighz. i've got enuff sarcasm for this year already.
trying to force myself to start mugging chem again. somehow i've got this weird feeling that i've never mugged at all for a really really long time. juz now had the satisfaction of solving 2 rather hard maths problems. for once it made me felt motivated to be working towards an answer.... rather than trying to bump through ur way in real life.
if u want experience on being sacarstic,
guess that's the difference between maths and your life.
i can tell u directly that i definitely have got more experience than u.
whole body aching now. maybe it's a sign of the flu coming back. muz be the weather... cos loads of pple are falling sick too. sighz~ hope everybody's body can tahan these abnormal weather changes *oh wait. since it's raining everyday for like the past 2 weeks le, it's no longer abnormal.*....
it's not that i'm still angry wif u. rather...
everybody seem to have their own problems... when we decide to close our hearts cos of our own problems... we'll start to be unable to understand other's woes and perspectives... which is really disastrous... speaking from personal experience. haiz.
i'm very upset cos i seriously think no matter how angry u were,
oh yar. i keep forgetting to say this... leandra was out yesterday. it was the first time i felt so emotional when one of the idol wannabes left... somehow though others think otherwise.. i felt that i could connect wif her... maybe that's y i'm sad she had to leave.
u shouldn't have said those hurting words.
maybe the next person going out, juz like wad one of the magazines predicted.. is olinda... whom i really really wish to stay... since she's really my superwoman. :D but.. haiz. guess this "competition" isn't abt the standard or quality in which these pple sing... but abt voting... and for pple who are darn rich or have some connections here and there, obviously they're on the lead... like.. daphane? hahaz. juz a suggestion.
but i guess that din matter now cos damage's been done.
okies okies.. come on... i know i sound biased... but i'm already trying hard not to be biased le. =X
so all u can do now is to wait till everything's over.
stuck wif stupid organic chem. wondering when i'll ever finish studying for a levels...
and i hope u can be more straightforward
juz now wendy came and told me how she couldn't finish studying for a levels... when i myself oso 自生难保... lolz~ but i always feel better talking to her... cos she's so bubbly and stuff... hope she can stay liddat foreva... cos the world needs more pple wif her personality around... in my opinion... sighz~
instead of trying to insult pple in an indirect way.
i'll say this harshly for now. it simply sux.
yawnz~ maybe should have slept more... wondering wad i should do now. mug more chem? yar.. maybe... since my revision is really lagging like siao... sorta finished food chem... never touch the other topics.. only tried to revise periodicity last nite... dunno how much actually went into my brain...
sighz. super mega sians now cos..now i can't sing. now i truly understand wad pansy means by.. how she always feels so lost when she has a sore throat and stuff... cos she can't hear herself sing...
looking through pple's blogs... came across this...
You Are a Life Blogger! |
![]() Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. |
oh man. i should seriously stop all these crap. a levels gone halfway and i'm still up here looking at such bo liao things.. hahaz. dotz. oh well. i dun seem to show any signs of repentance though. hahaz. =P
sighz. hope breakfast isn't banana bread. again. -_-'''
05 November 2004
now having a headache which seems to be there but seems not to be there. wondering wad the hell is happening to me. maybe falling sick. which is bad cos i juz did only one paper for a levels and i'm falling sick. again. super mega sian diaoz. wad's more... i haven't been mugging hard... and i bet i'll get really terrible grades for a levels. dun come and tell me... no larz... u got such good grades for prelims. *yeah rite*.... so u'll get better grades for a levels. wad crap larz. if u see wad i'm doing everyday now.. wasting the precious time i have for my remaining jc life... u can see wad i mean by getting terrible grades.
watching loads of mtvs now. drowning myself in music. and realising how music can really sing the song i have in my heart at that present moment. juz now heard 下一个永远 on the radio while mugging at toa payoh juz now.. and almost wanted to tear. it's such a nice song... sometimes dun understand y pple say jeff chang sounds gay... maybe his voice is really too high.. but his singing is good wad. bleaghz. =P
sighz. singapore idol laters... wonder who would get kicked out.. seriously.. i'll miss anyone who'll get kicked out now... i mean... they're all quite good... though i personally wish that daphane would get kicked out cos i love the other contestants more.. hahaz... dotz. *see? told u i'm biased. hahaz...* hmms. wondering who would be left in the top two.. hope oli can win! hahaz.... she's my superwoman!!! =)
okies. enuff of crap for now. i'm glad that the "lame piece of shit" sotong is finally back in service. hahaz. here's the song i had been talking abt. =)
曲:伍思凯 词:施立 编:
那天 是一条界线 你忘了好好说再见
在城市里流涟 却看不见 下个永远
时间 原来就是考验 让过去都成了纪念
陪着我到未来 继续寻找下个永远
多希望 有天偶然再遇见
我们都各自拥抱 下一个永远
希望有一天 偶然能在回忆遇见
04 November 2004
曲:周杰伦 词:许世昌 编:林迈可
我想要的 想做的 你比谁都了
你想说的 想给的 我全都知道
未接来电 没留言 一定是你孤单的想念
任何人都 猜不到 这是我们的暗号
* 他们猜 随便猜 不重要
连上彼此的讯号 才有个依靠
有太多人太多事 夹在我们之间咆哮
杂讯太多讯号弱 就连风吹都要干扰
可是你不想 一直走在黑暗地下道
想吹风 想自由 想要一起手牵手
去看海 绕世界流浪
# 我害怕你心碎没人帮你擦眼泪
别管那是非 只要我们感觉对
别离开身边 拥有你我的世界才能完美
Repeat * #
你说你想逃开松手 爱太累 爱得不自由
你停止收讯号 我开始搜寻不到
到底有谁知道 是几点钟方向 你才会收到暗号
Repeat #
03 November 2004
had a dream last nite.... it wasn't a nightmare... but neither was it... a really happy happy dream... it was... nice.
but since dreams usually dun materialise in real life... does it mean that it is the total opposite of reality?
1 day before gp... feeling really really tireds. be it physically or emotionally.
and the thought of the end of a levels at the end of the month simply makes me... feel... lost.
the end is coming near... there's nothing you can do to stop it but to simply absorb the impact and go with the flow...
beginning to understand.... beginning to accept that there's no way to avoid... is this a new form of depression? or is it simply apathy? apathy to the world?...
so many things floating in my mind...
constantly questioning myself... what am i doing.... why am i doing it... am i imposing too much on others... who am i in the first place... am i up to it? can i really help people? can i score well for a levels?
i dunno... maybe this is pre a levels syndrome. -_-'''
i wanna ease your pain... but am i up to it?
01 November 2004
just.... run... run... and run... to somewhere where no one can find u...
but... which is the better option? to run away from the dementor and face snape, or to run away from snape towards the dementor?
alone, with no other viable path to escape from...
then u'll start to think. y did u land urself in this sticky situation? perhaps it's... retribution? hahaz. dotx.
sometimes... u'll start to think... whether the things u've done... whether they're right... when in actual fact u know very well deep down that.. there's no such thing as right or wrong, or the fact that even if it's wrong, there's no point in pondering abt it since there's nothing u can do abt it now that it had already happened.
but humans usually self-contradict...
wad an irony..
dun even know wad u're doing. drifting again and again. until someone picks u up and give u a direction? for once, u've probably tot so, but when that someone comes, u realise that it doesn't work the way u hoped to be.
life has played such big jokes on many. maybe they lack entertainment. that's y they create such situations for them to mock, to laff... at all those idiots who wrecked their own lives and simply whimper at their own fate.
i'm sorry i couldn't heal ur wounds. i'm sorry that i'm the one who created them. but i simply couldn't accept myself doing things which would be giving u more wounds if i tried to heal them now.
what is anger? is it... an emotion directed to others.... or is it more of an inner frustration at yourself? maybe... it's the latter...