09 October 2006

quoted from junyi's blog : "They say the more you look for something, the harder you will find it. And the more you hope to see someone, the lower the chance you will get to see him/her."

i can't help but to agree. probably despite having half of the world disagreeing with me n junyi.

well, if u never had expectations, u'll never know disappointment.

and the thing about one sided stuff... if u believe and understand that it'll stay as being one sided, why persist in doing it? it's tiring and u probably wouldn't reap any reward for it, so why? u'll save yourself all the trouble if u stop.

humans are full of contradictions.

07 October 2006

ever heard of the theory? for every thing that happens, something would be taken in exchange. the principal of equivalent trade.

this means. for every single moment of happiness u get, u'll get a equivalent, if not, 10 times the sadness as compared to the moment of happiness u got.

that's y, never seek happiness, for u never know when ur luck will run out and suffer in sadness for the rest of your life.

i forgot that momentarily.

thanks for reminding me again.