i will not go out later unless i have done at least half of my audio lab tonight.
31 December 2009
30 December 2009
I got lost in a maze of a game for 2 hours when I could have gotten out in half an hour with the help of a notebook and pen.
29 December 2009
27 December 2009
there is no definite right or wrong
it is just difference in our stands and perspectives
hate only arises when something precious to one had been compromised
and once that happens, it is hard to turn back...
i used to think hate is evil and one shouldn't hate at all
however in this grey world there is no definite black or white either
even when our actions hurt others, which i would feel is wrong,
if we are acting according to our principles, then it isn't wrong...?
conflicts are everywhere
we can try minimise conflicts
but undeniably, there are still those which are unavoidable
when our sense of justice tells us to make our stand
no matter how the rest of the world might perceive
no matter the consequences, i will do it
because... this is me.
23 December 2009
pride vs humility,
what draws the line between?
which is more important as a treasure?
pride or our very own lives?
why is it that sometimes,
pride is worth much more as compared to our lives?
there are just things that outsiders may never understand...
13 December 2009
11 December 2009
Final Fantasy XIII
japanese voiceovers with english/chinese subtitles next week? or english voiceovers in 3 months time...? haiz dilemma dilemma dilemma~~
07 December 2009
06 December 2009
i am just a powerless human.
i can only do one thing at a time.
i can only do things within my power.
some things just can't be forced.
05 December 2009
03 December 2009
A Poison Tree
by William Blake
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I water'd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with my smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I water'd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with my smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree
01 December 2009
right and wrong
if there is no definite right or wrong in this world,
how do we know if the things we've done are right? or wrong?
how do we know if the moral "ruler" we have in us is true?
or is that even important in the first place?
or maybe, right and wrong really doesn't matter
it's more like the action and its consequences
whether the consequences harm others and things like that
but then again... "harming others" is subjective too...
i guess i paint my world relatively black and white
though i'm aware of the existences of the different shades of grey
maybe i just prefer things to stay the way it has been all along...
29 November 2009
20 November 2009
15 November 2009
only now do i truly know the extent of my intense dislike for you.
even just hearing someone mention your name makes me super irritated.
14 November 2009
there are times when i forget how we started
and i start to take you for granted
but no matter what i do
you are still the same
always caring and patient with me
i was a little upset though it wasn't your fault
and so i kinda did mean it when i blurted it out without thinking
i regretted it after that
a huge lump grew inside my chest
as though i was going to throw up
how could i even have said that? or even meant it at that point in time?
tears did well up in my eyes when i thought about it
was it because i was afraid of losing someone
who would always give in to me like i was a princess?
the more i thought of it
past memories floated in my mind
i realize you mean so much more to me than i ever imagined
i don't ever wanna lose you
i would like for us...
to be holding hands, walking down the beach at night
though our hair have turned grey (and you might have none left by then... opps!)
but... all these, seem like such a faraway dream
i know how painful promises can be
never promise anything as we do not know how the future will be like
though i don't know whether i'll able to stay by your side till death do us part
but... for now...
i would like to stay by your side...
i'm sorry for even thinking of that.
09 November 2009
08 November 2009
Question: How many legs does a chicken have?
American University Student: 6 legs, because in supermarkets chicken drumsticks are sold in packs of 6.
07 November 2009
05 November 2009
03 November 2009
the ugly truth
at first sight
it is easy for people to like you
just as how it is easy for people to dislike you
as time goes on
it is still easy for people who used to like you
to gradually dislike you
once people dislikes you
it is hard to make them like you (again)
that's life.
01 November 2009
31 October 2009
time is like a filter
relationships are filtered through
and those that stay with you as time goes
are those that are important.
time is like sand
the tighter u grasp
the more it slips away from your hands...
28 October 2009
27 October 2009
25 October 2009
everyday is a battle
everything faced is a trial
you. keep stretching my limits and testing my patience
i'll gladly take up your challenge.
but if i cannot take it
and simply explode,
you. have been warned.
maybe it's cos of lack of sleep
or maybe it's purely due to bad temper
even so... seriously
sometimes talking more or talking louder than others
doesn't mean others will listen to you more
or that'll catch other pple's attention more.
i just want some peace and quiet...
mind talking softer and saving those incessant speeches for yourself?
21 October 2009
there is a difference between being true to oneself, and having low EQ.
i wish i could become more mature.
is this a sign of stress?
that i am so restless and unable to focus?
it feels like it's a burn out tournament,
the one who gets burnt out first will get kicked out of the competition.
i am just a human. i am not god.
i don't have all the time in the world.
i can only choose which are the things i can pay attention to.
i can't care about every little thing that goes on around me.
relax. some things can't be helped.
or rather, i simply don't have the energy to help.
so... just let it go.
17 October 2009
Trust You
この世界は寄り添い合い 生きてるのに
痛み感じてもまだ 繋がるから
信じてるよ また会えると
I'm waiting for your love
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
今は答えが見えなくて 永い夜でも
I'm always by your side
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
この世界は寄り添い合い 生きてるのに
痛み感じてもまだ 繋がるから
信じてるよ また会えると
I'm waiting for your love
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
今は答えが見えなくて 永い夜でも
I'm always by your side
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
I love you
I trust you
why is it that some people you try so hard to get them out of your life simply keeps appearing in front of you?
16 October 2009
there are so many things you wouldn't know.
we are all so absorbed by our own worlds,
listening to the things we experience first hand.
do we know the true reason why certain events happen?
even if we do, will we take action to respond to the event?
what is kindness?
could harshness bring kindness as well?
a mother's harsh words is likely be perceived as irritating and uncaring to her children. does that mean the mother, who is simply trying to help her children become better people, is not kind at all?
there is a limit to the things that one can achieve or do,
just like how limited one is in the vast universe.
a volunteer to help rebuild an area in a foreign country is a mere passer-by to the people living there. in time, the people in the area would probably forget who the volunteer, that had once helped them out, was. does this erase the help that the volunteer had given before?
whatever that we do, do we expect ourselves to be remembered?
do we expect our actions to make a huge impact on other's lives?
there are just so many things masked beneath the harshness of the world that one would probably never understand.
14 October 2009
12 October 2009
05 October 2009
i miss you guys!!!
i just met with yuchun this afternoon... how long has it been since i last saw you? it's been so long!
we had a really wonderful lunch (opps paiseh it was yc's treat haha) and were like bitching gossiping, but hey, that's the fun u'll have with your girlfriends haha!
i wish i could have more time with you, there's just so many things i want to know about how u're doing now... haha!
i missed you =)
and i miss you too pansy!
august 2010, please come quickly!!! i want to go out and havoc with you guys once again just like those good old times back in school. i wanna go shopping gossiping ice-creaming exercising ktving cycling with u gals! =X
hees! but i guess i can't be that greedy...
i wish i could do more for u gals =)
but the only thing i can say in the meantime is,
take good care of yourselves!!!
i'll see you gals the next cny! *smiles*
helping people
a helping of ice-cream
sir, may i help you?
help! i'm drowning!
help out at a store
please help yourselves!
help to relieve pain
just checking out "help" on the dictionary gave so many different meanings to this simple and innocent looking word. this is a word that is used pretty often in the world, as no man is an island (most of the time). at many times of our lives, we give or are subjected to "help" to and from others.
do you enjoy helping others?
why do you help others?
why and when should you help?
some people is always on the look-out to provide help. they've been through those difficult parts of life, where having no help at all was really painful; thus they do not wish for others to follow in their paths.
some help because their friends asked or seems to need help. to help foster and maintain the relationship, they'll offer their hand of assistance, be it gladly or grudgingly.
some just... help. not because of anything. just. out of the pure goodness in their hearts. laugh.
there's another category of people who are pretty eager to help others as well. their motivation is not particularly because they don't want others to follow in their footsteps (cos they might not have been through those difficult times), neither was it particularly because oh they're my friends i'm happy to help them. it's more of an ego issue, where they think highly of themselves, and by helping people it shows not only to themselves, but to others, of their... erms... ability. such people can sometimes become overly zealous in their effort to provide help to others.
frankly speaking, i feel a little bad to be taking apart one's motives for providing help. i mean, it can be so innocent, just like for example, when someone let's a pregnant lady take his/her seat on the train. but, what is the motive behind one's act of giving help? out of the "pure goodness" of his heart? because he doesn't want the pregnant lady to suffer from the pain and discomfort? because the government says so? because the sign on the mrt says so? because he doesn't like the squeezy seat? because he doesn't like the weird fat lady on his left that kept looking at him? because he wants to show his friends who are with him on the train how gentlemanly and how kind he is? because he wants to show off how he is better and more observant than those that are around him?
haha such a simple incident can be complicated into such intensity. i'm not saying that any motive of these is bad or anything, i mean ultimately all these motives whichever it may be, gave rise to the act of him giving up the seat for the pregnant lady. the pregnant lady is very likely to feel gratitude towards the one who gave up his seat, which is a good thing, because it relieved the pregnant lady of her discomfort.
i guess that is just some food for thought.
why do you help others around you?
perhaps it's time to think about your motivation behind your act of graciousness.
however, to tell the truth, despite the wonderful argument i have put up above, i personally hate people who help others based on his or her own personal needs, not because he or her put others' pain into consideration before helping. that is. if i manage to perceive his/her true intentions.
with that said, i wonder if i'm being hypocritical. the line between putting others feelings into consideration and one's personal needs can be so thin that it is non-existent at times.
then again, when you read the title of my post, what did you think this post was going to be about? about me asking for help? or about me discussing the act of helping?
ok, let me clarify. i personally do not like to ask for help actually. but i still will ask if i really meet with difficulties. call it my stubbornness haha.
"helping (people)" sound like such an angelic act. that's because the party subjected to help is greatly benefited. this can be a good or bad thing. when the receiving end starts to abuse the help received, the giving end could be the one in distress instead.
then when and why should one help?
that's.... something that i'm still trying to learn. :D
opps i think i'm going to get slapped by others for such a lousy post ending. ahahaha~
okok let me elaborate then. well, i have my fair share of the help i gave being abused. however, after much thought, though one might become used by others if he/she is too helpful, this does not mean everyone out there are ungrateful b*****ds. opps. but i guess before choosing (ok i'm sorry to those pure and gracious souls out there who don't choose the receiving end of their help) the person you want to help, you must look at the receiver's personality and deduce whether u'll be made use of in the future if u're going to be helpful. of course if you know that guy is mostly going to be ungrateful, you would most likely not offer him that much help to the extent of him having the idea of making use of you. but there are still exceptions to this... principle. like for eg. a parent helping his/her ungrateful children. *suffers an arrow hit*
so the moral of this post is: be nice, help others out based on the empathy and pure goodness of your soul. but look before you help.
erms. sorry for sounding so skeptical. this sorry coming from me is sincere. you have my word.
04 October 2009
although i kinda accepted the apology, somehow the more i think about it, the angrier i get.
stop thinking about it.
but it's not like there'll be any change in the future.
it's in the personality.
and somehow, this adds on as a fuel for anger.
30 September 2009
World is Mine!
Somehow this song reminds me of a certain someone... =X
26 September 2009
what is it that i really want to do?
standing at the crossroads, i realized that i have totally no idea.
listening to you guys talking about the ideas you wish to carry out in your own projects, i was awed by how focused you guys are. you know what idea you want to enforce, and you even planned out the tiny steps to take to accomplish the bigger goal.
what do i really want to do?
i just wanted to write stories, and investigate methods that would attract consumers to my ideas.
then what am i doing here?
who exactly am i?
what do i really want to do?
once again, i'm doubtful of my qualities to fulfill my dream.
20 September 2009
suddenly, it felt strangely lonely.
to be working on an assignment that i didn't really feel like doing.
while the rest of the world seemed to be out there enjoying themselves.
am i really up to this?
i seem to lack all the things that is required for my dream to be realized.
am i really suitable?
is my passion perceived just some half hearted and short lived feeling?
so many things to do,
yet seemingly so little time.
and yet i spend the limited time i have on my hands procrastinating...
18 September 2009
16 September 2009
what is there to fear, when you have done nothing wrong?
what is there to fear, when there is nothing you could do anyways?
why can't things remain as simple as how it first started out?
what is there to fear, when there is nothing you could do anyways?
why can't things remain as simple as how it first started out?
defense of the... sotong?
it is easy for strangers to become friends.
it is also easy for one to develop fondness for another within just a minute.
there's always a line that one should not step over.
especially when you may not know the other person very well.
even more so when you know that you are not supposed to step over that line.
the first time you step over the line, i can take it that it's by accident.
the second time you do that, i can pretend that it didn't happen.
the third time it happens... i'm sorry, i have to do something to let you know.
although i have no intention of hurting anyone, for self-defense, i'm afraid i have to take this course of action.
it is also easy for one to develop fondness for another within just a minute.
there's always a line that one should not step over.
especially when you may not know the other person very well.
even more so when you know that you are not supposed to step over that line.
the first time you step over the line, i can take it that it's by accident.
the second time you do that, i can pretend that it didn't happen.
the third time it happens... i'm sorry, i have to do something to let you know.
although i have no intention of hurting anyone, for self-defense, i'm afraid i have to take this course of action.
15 September 2009
14 September 2009
i remember a few days back i was wondering whether the happiness i hold, or the laughter i have now, would eventually vanish.
"there is no such thing as happiness [that lasts] forever."
"instead of wishing for something impossible, why not work towards prolonging hapiness such that it'll last so long that it's almost forever?"
those words ring in my head now.
the very words i said to motivate someone else.
the answer was within me all along. ^^
"there is no such thing as happiness [that lasts] forever."
"instead of wishing for something impossible, why not work towards prolonging hapiness such that it'll last so long that it's almost forever?"
those words ring in my head now.
the very words i said to motivate someone else.
the answer was within me all along. ^^
12 September 2009
子供の頃 やった事あるよ 色あせた記憶だ
紅白帽頭に ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
子供の頃 懐かしい記憶 カレーとかの時に
銀のスプーン目にあて ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
戻れない(友達と笑って) ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
今あいつら どこに居るの? 何をしているの?
答えはぼやけたままで ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
君がくれた勇気は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は ドラマティック
子供の頃 やったことあるね
雑誌に付いてきた3Dメガネかけ ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
蘇る鮮やかに腕でL字作り ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
戻れない(初恋の娘の名前) ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
ただあの頃振り返る 無邪気に笑えた
汚れも知らないままに ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
見過ごしてた景色は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は グラフィティ
君がくれた勇気は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は ドラマチィック
紅白帽頭に ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
子供の頃 懐かしい記憶 カレーとかの時に
銀のスプーン目にあて ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
戻れない(友達と笑って) ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
今あいつら どこに居るの? 何をしているの?
答えはぼやけたままで ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
君がくれた勇気は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は ドラマティック
子供の頃 やったことあるね
雑誌に付いてきた3Dメガネかけ ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
蘇る鮮やかに腕でL字作り ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
戻れない(初恋の娘の名前) ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
ただあの頃振り返る 無邪気に笑えた
汚れも知らないままに ウルトラマン ウルトラマンセブン
見過ごしてた景色は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は グラフィティ
君がくれた勇気は 億千万 億千万
過ぎ去りし季節は ドラマチィック
09 September 2009
care and concern.
i accidentally came across a blog post from someone i don't know at all... and he/she's clinically depressed. it reminded me of the ... not so distant past...
if i had felt (more) care and concern from the people around me then, would i have recovered quicker?
but then again, was i even clinically depressed?
i was just drifting around.
living in self pity.
drowning in those painful memories.
hurting myself again and again to numb myself.
i wonder if people who know me now would believe i was once pessimistic and simply waiting for the end to come... hallucinating myself with slit wrists and fantasizing about the most painless way of dying...
thinking back to those days brings tears to my eyes.
why did i had to drop into that abyss?
there were so many people around me that were worried about me.
i had not noticed their presence at all.
i brushed off their concern.
i felt that no one could truly understand how i felt.
even now i feel the same way.
how could others feel the way you do if they had never experienced the exact same thing as you did?
but, their concern cannot be erased just because of this.
if i can, i would do all i can to help pull those who are struggling to get out of the abyss...
so that they would not have to endure the long hard years just like i did...
to the one that's struggling now...
i doubt you would be reading this,
but i want to let you know, you are never alone.
it is good that you are aware of your condition.
do not reject it.
do not reject yourself.
do not reject others as well.
go ask your family or friends for a hug.
open up and talk to people.
it is ok to feel negative now.
but never forget, good things will eventually happen.
that is, if you work hard and keep ur spirits up.
ok sorry i think i sounded as though i am preaching. hees.
if i had felt (more) care and concern from the people around me then, would i have recovered quicker?
but then again, was i even clinically depressed?
i was just drifting around.
living in self pity.
drowning in those painful memories.
hurting myself again and again to numb myself.
i wonder if people who know me now would believe i was once pessimistic and simply waiting for the end to come... hallucinating myself with slit wrists and fantasizing about the most painless way of dying...
thinking back to those days brings tears to my eyes.
why did i had to drop into that abyss?
there were so many people around me that were worried about me.
i had not noticed their presence at all.
i brushed off their concern.
i felt that no one could truly understand how i felt.
even now i feel the same way.
how could others feel the way you do if they had never experienced the exact same thing as you did?
but, their concern cannot be erased just because of this.
if i can, i would do all i can to help pull those who are struggling to get out of the abyss...
so that they would not have to endure the long hard years just like i did...
to the one that's struggling now...
i doubt you would be reading this,
but i want to let you know, you are never alone.
it is good that you are aware of your condition.
do not reject it.
do not reject yourself.
do not reject others as well.
go ask your family or friends for a hug.
open up and talk to people.
it is ok to feel negative now.
but never forget, good things will eventually happen.
that is, if you work hard and keep ur spirits up.
ok sorry i think i sounded as though i am preaching. hees.
08 September 2009
programming overdose
i dreamt that me and my classmates are to draw a triangle, and we're going around classrooms trying to obtain and transport the data required to draw our object. (eg. vertex location, colour etc.)
07 September 2009
i know ur just poking fun at me.
but i'm still a little mad about it.
hmph. still dare hang up on me.
ok lars i'm just sulking in my tiny little world. pls don't mind me.
but i'm still a little mad about it.
hmph. still dare hang up on me.
ok lars i'm just sulking in my tiny little world. pls don't mind me.
06 September 2009
27 August 2009
indifference vs intimacy
at times, i'm bursting mad that i start to fire my gatling gun non-stop.
at times, i'm so happily immersed in my tiny little world.
at times, i feel so in love and so loved by you.
at times, i'm just so insensitive and say things that disappoint you.
sometimes i wonder. why should i even care? i mean, it's totally none of my concern how wishy washy other pple can be... but the moment i see one making a decision, and then hesitating, or even being totally clueless when trying to lead a team... it just makes me want to explode. i know it's totally none of my business but yet i still care.
i wish i was back in my little invisible glass container. and watch all these things pass by me.
yet. i wish i could be more sensitive to your needs. and have a better memory to keep all the things you've told me in my brain. so that i wouldn't forget a single detail when conversing with you. so that you wouldn't be disappointed with me when you realize i've forgotten...
happy 13th month. ^^
at times, i'm so happily immersed in my tiny little world.
at times, i feel so in love and so loved by you.
at times, i'm just so insensitive and say things that disappoint you.
sometimes i wonder. why should i even care? i mean, it's totally none of my concern how wishy washy other pple can be... but the moment i see one making a decision, and then hesitating, or even being totally clueless when trying to lead a team... it just makes me want to explode. i know it's totally none of my business but yet i still care.
i wish i was back in my little invisible glass container. and watch all these things pass by me.
yet. i wish i could be more sensitive to your needs. and have a better memory to keep all the things you've told me in my brain. so that i wouldn't forget a single detail when conversing with you. so that you wouldn't be disappointed with me when you realize i've forgotten...
happy 13th month. ^^
19 August 2009
someone from the class seems to be leaving for better prospects... though i wasn't close to him, somehow i felt sad... sad that i didn't spend more time interacting with him before he makes his decision to leave...
he left to find a job in the games industry i guess... i'm happy for him, but the reasons he left lingered in my mind... and i actually faltered with my resolution when i decided to take up this course. he felt the "lecturers" teaching us was underqualified, which was quite a valid issue since he had graduated with masters, and the people teaching us were taking their masters now. and after class today, i was quite upset, as i felt the lecturer today wasn't even sure of the things he taught. this really started me thinking a little more down the path he chose... although the bond would have to be broken, i guess there's nothing much that can be done once your heart and mind is set.
please... stay focused.
i am here because i want to, and i have things which i want to accomplish here.
he left to find a job in the games industry i guess... i'm happy for him, but the reasons he left lingered in my mind... and i actually faltered with my resolution when i decided to take up this course. he felt the "lecturers" teaching us was underqualified, which was quite a valid issue since he had graduated with masters, and the people teaching us were taking their masters now. and after class today, i was quite upset, as i felt the lecturer today wasn't even sure of the things he taught. this really started me thinking a little more down the path he chose... although the bond would have to be broken, i guess there's nothing much that can be done once your heart and mind is set.
please... stay focused.
i am here because i want to, and i have things which i want to accomplish here.
15 August 2009
School has started for 2 weeks already! Things are fun at school (though some might not think this way haha) well, i get to learn something new everyday, and i get to play with people! But the time i have for myself is considerably much lesser. I wake up early to go to school much earlier than the rest of my classmates for various reasons, such as to play games with derek, or to teach tiffany maths... There's nothing wrong with that, I do enjoy spending time with them, but in retrospect... I'm afraid... afraid I have no time for myself, afraid i might drift away from kt, especially since we're both so busy with our lives now. With all the assignments and tutorials I have to complete, plus my tuition and things like that, we must still set aside time for ourselves to meet with our own friends.
They say absence makes the heart fonder... but in my case... it makes my heart... wonder... if we'll still be able to remain as close as before...
They say absence makes the heart fonder... but in my case... it makes my heart... wonder... if we'll still be able to remain as close as before...
29 July 2009
no matter how pretty it looks, it doesn't matter if it is rotten inside.
it sure is hard to draw a picture and get it onto my computer using just a camera.

it felt as though the dementors had paid me a visit earlier.
i guess it's really hard to stay cheerful.
i'm sorry. maybe i'm just not that good enough.

it felt as though the dementors had paid me a visit earlier.
i guess it's really hard to stay cheerful.
i'm sorry. maybe i'm just not that good enough.
16 July 2009
15 July 2009
初めて愛した人は なかなか忘れられない
あの頃は初々しく 二人とも背伸びをして
夜遅くてもあなたの帰り 起きて待っていた
どんな小さな出来事さえも 報告していた
初めて嘘つかれた日 なかなか立ち直れなくて
赤いダリアの花びら 少しちぎった
あなたが描く理想の人に 私はなれなくて
他の誰かに二人の未来 奪われたけれど
ララ ダリア ララ ダリア
荷物をまとめ 飛び出してから 振り返らずに来た
年を重ねて 傷の痛みがなくなった今も
花言葉が何であろうと ダリアはずっと
ララ ダリア ララ ダリア
初めて愛した人は なかなか忘れられない
初めて愛した人は なかなか忘れられない
あの頃は初々しく 二人とも背伸びをして
夜遅くてもあなたの帰り 起きて待っていた
どんな小さな出来事さえも 報告していた
初めて嘘つかれた日 なかなか立ち直れなくて
赤いダリアの花びら 少しちぎった
あなたが描く理想の人に 私はなれなくて
他の誰かに二人の未来 奪われたけれど
ララ ダリア ララ ダリア
荷物をまとめ 飛び出してから 振り返らずに来た
年を重ねて 傷の痛みがなくなった今も
花言葉が何であろうと ダリアはずっと
ララ ダリア ララ ダリア
初めて愛した人は なかなか忘れられない
14 July 2009
11 July 2009
20th century boys was such a wonderful manga! its plot is so intruiging, and at the end of every chapter u'll want to read on what happens next. the themes running through the story is so... unique. although this story talks about futuristic japan and the things (albeit horrible) that happened in the future, there is always the theme of the 60s, rock, "old" manga etc. that's pretty weird imo, but totally cool in its own way.
the artwork was fabulous! every detail drawn in each frame was so cool. i particularly remembered one scene where they showed someone telling something horrendous to chouno and otcho, where chouno was totally stunned, but otcho remained calm. however the next statement this person said, that kanna was still alive, totally stunned otcho. i thought that was... amazing. every drawing was so detailed that i felt i had been to the places kenji and friends had been to.
a major theme underlying the entire plot was about being unable to let go. one of the characters followed "friend" because him had not being given the attention he craved as a child, and while "friend" staged all the evil world domination and destruction of humanity due to how he had been wronged in the past and how others had not given him attention too when he was a child.
as children, we might not have thought about the impact of our actions on others, and might have done something cruel to others but in our eyes we don't see it as being "evil". the evil bullies of kenji's childhood thought they were playing with kenji's group when they were children! i guess memories gets warped with time, we only remember those we want to remember...
hate arises because we are unable to let go and forgive. if the young "friend" or his followers had been able to come to the concensus (which seemed impossible since they were merely kids then) or had seen the bigger picture, this hate might not have escalated to pushing humanity to the brink of extinction.
i had a dream again... i dreamt of the person i hated most. i dreamt that i was friends with him, studying together in the same room, doing homework together with him and my friends. it felt... so peaceful. and for once i was happy. but i wonder... is this a sign that i have come to consensus within myself, to have unravelled the tight knot deep in my heart and to have let go? but then again, this scenario would probably never happen in reality.
there is no way to defeat despair. the only way to overcome it... is to keep on walking.
i wish i had done this back then.
the artwork was fabulous! every detail drawn in each frame was so cool. i particularly remembered one scene where they showed someone telling something horrendous to chouno and otcho, where chouno was totally stunned, but otcho remained calm. however the next statement this person said, that kanna was still alive, totally stunned otcho. i thought that was... amazing. every drawing was so detailed that i felt i had been to the places kenji and friends had been to.
a major theme underlying the entire plot was about being unable to let go. one of the characters followed "friend" because him had not being given the attention he craved as a child, and while "friend" staged all the evil world domination and destruction of humanity due to how he had been wronged in the past and how others had not given him attention too when he was a child.
as children, we might not have thought about the impact of our actions on others, and might have done something cruel to others but in our eyes we don't see it as being "evil". the evil bullies of kenji's childhood thought they were playing with kenji's group when they were children! i guess memories gets warped with time, we only remember those we want to remember...
hate arises because we are unable to let go and forgive. if the young "friend" or his followers had been able to come to the concensus (which seemed impossible since they were merely kids then) or had seen the bigger picture, this hate might not have escalated to pushing humanity to the brink of extinction.
i had a dream again... i dreamt of the person i hated most. i dreamt that i was friends with him, studying together in the same room, doing homework together with him and my friends. it felt... so peaceful. and for once i was happy. but i wonder... is this a sign that i have come to consensus within myself, to have unravelled the tight knot deep in my heart and to have let go? but then again, this scenario would probably never happen in reality.
there is no way to defeat despair. the only way to overcome it... is to keep on walking.
i wish i had done this back then.
06 July 2009
do you have anybody that you hate in your life?
sadly, i guess i have a few. well. a few that i dislike maybe. ok there's one, who betrayed my trust wayyy back in the past, but i guess i've come to consensus with that. i guess i understood why it happened, though i was hurt, but i guess i have already forgiven her. i can't say that when i hear news from her i'll wish her well, but i will be nonchalant and just take in the information...
however, there is one i have absolute strong feelings of disgust. yes, he betrayed my trust too, which was wayyy back in the past too, and i guess i do have a pretty good understanding of why he did it. but whenever i hear news about him, i have this strange strong feelings of anger towards him. sometimes so much to the point i wish i could just make him disappear from my world. or to wish that he's miserable. and the most funny thing is i had absolutely no intention of having such intense feelings of hatred. i wonder why. i would so much prefer to be nonchalant like the previous case...
how can we resolve such feelings of... hate? what is hate?
they say there is only a fine line between love and hatred. i guess it's true to some extent, they are both strong emotions felt with respect to some object or person in general. however, they are emotions from two extremities, and it amazes me how people can switch from one extreme to the other in a short period of time. take for example my relationship with durians. when i was very young (in my secondary school days) i loved durians, i would enjoy eating them with my family almost every weekend! yet, after eating something i loved so frequently, i got really sick of them, and since my jc days, whenever people offer me durian i would turn them down. well even right now, i can't get over my withdrawl from durian though i have not touched it for 6 years... (and there's a durian sitting in my house waiting for me to eat it up...)
well there's one really interesting example. take my relationship with my mum. i would never say i adore her. but there are times i really do hate her. which is really funny cos one moment i chat with her like she's my close friend and the other moment i'll want to scream her down the road and not want to have any relations with her at all. and sometimes i'll be indifferent to what happens to her too.
this being said though, i do not enjoy such feelings of hatred. i hate it when i get upset because of such feelings towards someone that results in me acting in ways i ususally don't. as such i wish to seek reconcilation, but i have no idea how to do that.
they say time heals all wounds too and feelings fade with time. however 6 years... of my durian relationship and i could not resolve it. 5 years with that particular person i hate, and those feelings are still strong. erms... 23 years with my mum and... ok i still have very bad mood swing when she's around. opps. i really don't mean it, but definitely it seems in these cases feelings do not fade with time. haha~
sadly, i guess i have a few. well. a few that i dislike maybe. ok there's one, who betrayed my trust wayyy back in the past, but i guess i've come to consensus with that. i guess i understood why it happened, though i was hurt, but i guess i have already forgiven her. i can't say that when i hear news from her i'll wish her well, but i will be nonchalant and just take in the information...
however, there is one i have absolute strong feelings of disgust. yes, he betrayed my trust too, which was wayyy back in the past too, and i guess i do have a pretty good understanding of why he did it. but whenever i hear news about him, i have this strange strong feelings of anger towards him. sometimes so much to the point i wish i could just make him disappear from my world. or to wish that he's miserable. and the most funny thing is i had absolutely no intention of having such intense feelings of hatred. i wonder why. i would so much prefer to be nonchalant like the previous case...
how can we resolve such feelings of... hate? what is hate?
they say there is only a fine line between love and hatred. i guess it's true to some extent, they are both strong emotions felt with respect to some object or person in general. however, they are emotions from two extremities, and it amazes me how people can switch from one extreme to the other in a short period of time. take for example my relationship with durians. when i was very young (in my secondary school days) i loved durians, i would enjoy eating them with my family almost every weekend! yet, after eating something i loved so frequently, i got really sick of them, and since my jc days, whenever people offer me durian i would turn them down. well even right now, i can't get over my withdrawl from durian though i have not touched it for 6 years... (and there's a durian sitting in my house waiting for me to eat it up...)
well there's one really interesting example. take my relationship with my mum. i would never say i adore her. but there are times i really do hate her. which is really funny cos one moment i chat with her like she's my close friend and the other moment i'll want to scream her down the road and not want to have any relations with her at all. and sometimes i'll be indifferent to what happens to her too.
this being said though, i do not enjoy such feelings of hatred. i hate it when i get upset because of such feelings towards someone that results in me acting in ways i ususally don't. as such i wish to seek reconcilation, but i have no idea how to do that.
they say time heals all wounds too and feelings fade with time. however 6 years... of my durian relationship and i could not resolve it. 5 years with that particular person i hate, and those feelings are still strong. erms... 23 years with my mum and... ok i still have very bad mood swing when she's around. opps. i really don't mean it, but definitely it seems in these cases feelings do not fade with time. haha~
01 July 2009
i read my chat log with my friend 3 years ago by accident today. it was amazing, i didn't knew i could say such philosophical things... about life, about our world and society... but looking at the things i say or do or even think now... they're so... mundane. i've become more financially independent, saw more of the world, experienced more joy and heartbreak... so what? instead of giving more things thought and gaining my own perspective of the world, i have become more and more drawn to my own personal problems, taking in information and not going the extra mile to process them.
even now, i'm still looking at my inner self instead of giving attention to things beyond my personal needs and boundaries.
perhaps, in order to go beyond our own boundaries, we need to first satisfy our own needs. once we have satisfied the basic physiological, safety, love/belonging, and esteem needs, (of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs) before we can even talk about morality and etc. could it be that i have unfulfilled needs from the lower levels of the hierarchy, causing me to have left out the satisfaction of higher level moral and creativity needs?
then again, maybe this is all an excuse.
even now, i'm still looking at my inner self instead of giving attention to things beyond my personal needs and boundaries.
perhaps, in order to go beyond our own boundaries, we need to first satisfy our own needs. once we have satisfied the basic physiological, safety, love/belonging, and esteem needs, (of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs) before we can even talk about morality and etc. could it be that i have unfulfilled needs from the lower levels of the hierarchy, causing me to have left out the satisfaction of higher level moral and creativity needs?
then again, maybe this is all an excuse.
29 June 2009
I didn't realize that the meaning of the lyrics behind this song was that meaningful... Now that I finally understood what it was trying to say, i feel in love with this song immediately...
手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~
拝啓 この手紙 呼んでいるあなたは
十五の僕には 誰にも話せない
今 負けそうで 泣きそうで
ひとつしかない この胸が
苦しい中で 今を生きている
拝啓 ありがとう 十五のあなたに
自分とはなにで どこへ向かうべきか
荒れた青春の 海はきびしいけれど
明日の岸辺へと 夢の船よ進め
今 負けないで 泣かないで
苦くて甘い 今を生きている
人生のすべてに意味があるから Woh Woh
LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa Keep on believing
LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa Keep on believing
Keep on believing
Keep on believing
負けそうで 泣きそうで
誰の言葉を信じ歩いていけばいいの Ah Ah
負けないで 泣かないで
自分の声を 信じ歩けばいいの
今を生きていこう 今を生きていこう
拝啓 この手紙 呼んでいるあなたが
手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~
拝啓 この手紙 呼んでいるあなたは
十五の僕には 誰にも話せない
今 負けそうで 泣きそうで
ひとつしかない この胸が
苦しい中で 今を生きている
拝啓 ありがとう 十五のあなたに
自分とはなにで どこへ向かうべきか
荒れた青春の 海はきびしいけれど
明日の岸辺へと 夢の船よ進め
今 負けないで 泣かないで
苦くて甘い 今を生きている
人生のすべてに意味があるから Woh Woh
LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa Keep on believing
LaLaLa LaLaLa LaLaLa Keep on believing
Keep on believing
Keep on believing
負けそうで 泣きそうで
誰の言葉を信じ歩いていけばいいの Ah Ah
負けないで 泣かないで
自分の声を 信じ歩けばいいの
今を生きていこう 今を生きていこう
拝啓 この手紙 呼んでいるあなたが
02 June 2009
i guess it really takes great courage for creativity and innovation to be expressed. or even by being different. that's the thought i had while i was browsing through the verner panton exhibition at the national museum of singapore.
ok i must admit it's a rare thing for me to suggest a trip down to the museum... i guess the tv show introducing the exhibits available at our museums did give me an idea... you might think... what? only geeks go to the museum! but no no no... if u're a student and your school would most likely have subscribed to the corporate membership of museums, you actually can visit some of the exhibits at museums for free! what a great way for a cheap date (opps!) or just to kill time, and to broaden your horizons at the same time! but of course, it's best if you're down there with a curious mind...
it was a pity that i forgot my camera for this trip... but to compensate, i'll find some photos online to elaborate on what i'll have to say! :D wonders of the internet hees~
ok first things first, verner panton (not vernier as in the vernier calipers u lab freak) is a designer and architect from denmark (1926 - 1998)... some of his really famous designs includes the panton chair as shown below...

well, the first thing that came to mind when i saw the exhibits was... what? wad's so interesting about this guy? i mean, this chair just looks like the ones i see in ikea! but but but... hold ur horses! this guy actually designed this very modern looking chair in 1967! that's like... 40 years ago! and at that period of time, people stick to conventional wooden chairs... verner panton actually dared to experiment with various materials such as plastic in the panton chair, as well as steel in various designs such as the bachelor chair below, which once again may seem like a normal chair we can find at ikea... but keep in mind, the bachelor chair was designed by verner panton in 1955...

... and verner panton actually dared to experiment with colours... he was also a textile designer who tries to incorporate basic shapes in his designs... his designs actually remind me of the symmetry homework i had in primary school! so i was really amazed that he actually became famous for thinking of how to arrange simple geometric or organic shapes into designs! this design below is made up of organic shape that resembles the cross section of an onion...

my favourite item of the exhibit is the heart shaped cone chair designed in 1959... it is amazing how he could support the weight of a person with the design of an inverted cone shaped chair... and the heart shape he incorporated at the top makes it even more special... i wonder if he designed this for his gf then... hees! presenting below... the heart shaped cone chair!!!

all these amazing works did not appear just in a day or two, or even within weeks or months. he had to go through a lot of experimenting, and he definitely did not succeed overnight. just for the panton chair, he had to go through all the different kinds of materials available before he settled for plastic, which was totally unconventional at that point in time... and even so, there is probably no way for him to spring this innovative idea all by his own... his ideas actually sparked off from others before him, and even from other industries perhaps... his designs emphasize on modularity and systematic designs, which is a concept well-known to engineers like me... and he incorporated these ideas into his designs, which others proclaim him to be a really creative and innovative designer...
thus, to be "creative", we don't really have to start from scratch... if we broaden our horizons, and then incorporate ideas from other areas into the field we are working on, that would become a source of creativity. this sounds a little like blue ocean strategy isn't it, it's like a formula for innovation! but of course this is just one of the possible ways to spark creativity perhaps...
the next problem to consider probably, would be whether one is daring enough to put his creative ideas into actions. verner panton might actually be one of the few lucky ones who made it big with his novel ideas... there might be others out there who did think of things out of the box, but remained relatively unknown and have yet to be acknowledged. and i bet people's initial response to such fresh ideas might not have been very positive... so how did creative and innovative people such as verner panton actually find the drive to keep doing things that are different?
passion perhaps? or was it their stubborness to try something that's relatively different? or it was their desire to spread their ideas to others around them? or could it even be something as absurb (to me at least) as to fulfilling their dream of changing (even a small part of) the world???
i suppose, a vital portion to their actions would be courage. the courage to be different. the courage to persist despite negative reactions to their works.
i really wonder. in facing with my quarter life crisis (opps i'm quoting you zhida) will i have the courage to persist? in a path that's so much different from what others trek down... and in a path where i might face prejudice... do i really have to do this? i might be much better off if i take the common path to become a conventional engineer (oh so boring)... why must i do something radically different from others? and what if the path i have in mind turns out to be unsuitable for me? there is just so much uncertainty that i am so hesitant to make my decision...
i was kinda fearless initially when i applied for a job in the gaming industry... and i was quite confident of getting it... like... 66%? haha! then in the end i guess i kamikazed myself because i just had to voice my opinion during the final interview (which wasn't necessary in the first place... but oh well... haha~)
well... failure was not supposed to demoralize me -that- much. but some of the questions posted to me during my interviews did start me thinking... like how the gaming industry is male-dominant... this means there are few girls, and i would be very likely to have differing opinions from the majority in project teams... and this industry might not be that... sympathetic to female related issues, such as settling down and establishing a family... i mean, this industry most likely requires a lot of OT on a pretty regular basis... if i were to have my own family, the time i have for them would be minimal... which is something i'm unwilling to compromise at this point in time.
and... as i tried to apply for the game designer position... when i was asked whether i had written any stories recently, i replied honestly that i didn't. but i do blog (though not so much on a regular basis during my final year in school...) which i didn't really mention in the end... i guess my blog entries do flow pretty well... erms... right? haha! but i did start to doubt whether i'm good at story telling... i'm such a NEET and i can't really communicate verbally that well... i guess i'm a little better at writing...? haha~ i'm not -that- bad right? it doesn't mean that if i haven't written stories, or even told stories verbally, that i'm not good at them, isn't it? =X
and since i didn't get the job i had tried so hard for, i started making backup plans... which involve me taking a one year diploma course in game programming... when i went to submit my application form, the company providing the course seemed... dubious. and that's when i really became doubtful about my choice of taking the course. i mean... with all these challenges i foresee, is it really worth it for me to go all out of the way, just to achieve something i find... interesting? i mean, i can go on with my life with a normal (read. boring~) software engineer job and have a much higher paying job with my ideal 5 day work week... why should i take the tougher path??? why should i try to be different?
this brings me to other points about my life which i have just set them aside and not done much pondering yet. the idea of working hard for a certain goal. we work hard on something because we feel that the end result is something worthwhile right? what if... the end result we foresee has no value? would you still work hard on it? or would you just sit back and just let it go auto pilot (as in just... not do much for it)?
this was the issue i had with my fyp for the past year. i knew, no matter how hard i work on my final year project, my results would neither go up nor down. so... should i put in all my energy on this project? or just let it slide?
my decision was to just take it easy. i mean... why bother when there is no change in the end result? to me that's the same as having no value in working hard.
when my mum found out i got a b+ for my fyp(which isn't that bad, though we knew i could do much better than that) she asked me what happened, so i voiced out my thoughts. i regretted later as i could tell she was really sad that i had totally no motivation for the project which was already over by now. and i felt sad because i knew what i said had hurt her. i mean, i was so self-motivated in the past, what happened to me man.
and ever since the end of school... i have been like a couch potato ever since... never contributing to the society (by working), just eating sleeping playing game and repeat the above cycle... i'm just like a worthless bum... (opps that sounds really harsh) i mean i enjoy this kind of hikikomori life once in a while, but for me to have persisted for a month was really... omg for my mum. so when i told her that if i don't see any value in working for something, then i wouldn't do it... my mum said... there's like no value in taking care of me cos i'm like a pig these days and totally not contributing to the family or society, then why should she do it?
hmmmmms good question... hees... cos of responsibility? nahh? hmmms i wonder...
i probably can't find a satisfactory answer to this question...
i guess... we should work hard first, when we see value in the end result of our efforts. even when hard work seems not to be worthwhile, we'll slog for it because of responsibility. or the will to self-improve. ahh. all the philosophy. i'm a little skeptical about this though i'm the one who said it... it's a little like bullshit to me now... haha.
ok, assuming that what i've suggested above is true... what if... we really can't find the above mentioned 3 reasons to work hard? would we still give up in the end? should we? hmmmms... more food for thought.
ok putting that issue aside... back to the career path quarter life crisis... after the museum exhibit, i guess i found a little courage there... well, i'm not the only female that's dreams to work in the gaming industry... it will definitely be hard... but look at all those people before me! there had been people who were the firsts in doing a particular thing... like the first in coming up with a certain design, or the first to participate in a certain kind of event... verner panton is one of the many out there... and... i had a glimpse of the first and only female that participates in bull-fighting from a tv show advertisement... and that's also a male dominated field... if she can do it, why can't i?
nothing's easy... and if i can identify a goal for me to work towards, and if i were to focus on that single goal, i can succeed. though there would be many challenges along the way, but wouldn't it be more fun that way? and isn't it worthwhile to attempt to fulfill a dream while i am still young? i don't wanna regret after most of my life had gone by for not having the courage to dream while i was young...
and... i've played games all my life. i would really really like to work on something that would bring joy to others, just like how it had brought joy and entertainment to me... unlike working on some corporate telecommunications project, which i can't really feel the direct impact of my work on the public... (oh no, i'm not condemning these kind of jobs, really. it's just... not my cup of tea perhaps?)
so i guess... i'm all set! i just need to pack my passion, feelings, and a little bit of courage into my backpack (and hopefully a torchlight... anyone out there know any torchlights out there? haha) and... i'll be off for my adventure of my lifetime!!! omg. don't i sound a little like luffy out on an adventure? lolx~ thank you verner panton and the mysterious female bull fighter out there! =)
and thanks kt, sheila, wendy and kelvin for helping me convince myself and passing some of ur positivity to me =) i needed that! ^^
ok i must admit it's a rare thing for me to suggest a trip down to the museum... i guess the tv show introducing the exhibits available at our museums did give me an idea... you might think... what? only geeks go to the museum! but no no no... if u're a student and your school would most likely have subscribed to the corporate membership of museums, you actually can visit some of the exhibits at museums for free! what a great way for a cheap date (opps!) or just to kill time, and to broaden your horizons at the same time! but of course, it's best if you're down there with a curious mind...
it was a pity that i forgot my camera for this trip... but to compensate, i'll find some photos online to elaborate on what i'll have to say! :D wonders of the internet hees~
ok first things first, verner panton (not vernier as in the vernier calipers u lab freak) is a designer and architect from denmark (1926 - 1998)... some of his really famous designs includes the panton chair as shown below...

well, the first thing that came to mind when i saw the exhibits was... what? wad's so interesting about this guy? i mean, this chair just looks like the ones i see in ikea! but but but... hold ur horses! this guy actually designed this very modern looking chair in 1967! that's like... 40 years ago! and at that period of time, people stick to conventional wooden chairs... verner panton actually dared to experiment with various materials such as plastic in the panton chair, as well as steel in various designs such as the bachelor chair below, which once again may seem like a normal chair we can find at ikea... but keep in mind, the bachelor chair was designed by verner panton in 1955...

... and verner panton actually dared to experiment with colours... he was also a textile designer who tries to incorporate basic shapes in his designs... his designs actually remind me of the symmetry homework i had in primary school! so i was really amazed that he actually became famous for thinking of how to arrange simple geometric or organic shapes into designs! this design below is made up of organic shape that resembles the cross section of an onion...

my favourite item of the exhibit is the heart shaped cone chair designed in 1959... it is amazing how he could support the weight of a person with the design of an inverted cone shaped chair... and the heart shape he incorporated at the top makes it even more special... i wonder if he designed this for his gf then... hees! presenting below... the heart shaped cone chair!!!

all these amazing works did not appear just in a day or two, or even within weeks or months. he had to go through a lot of experimenting, and he definitely did not succeed overnight. just for the panton chair, he had to go through all the different kinds of materials available before he settled for plastic, which was totally unconventional at that point in time... and even so, there is probably no way for him to spring this innovative idea all by his own... his ideas actually sparked off from others before him, and even from other industries perhaps... his designs emphasize on modularity and systematic designs, which is a concept well-known to engineers like me... and he incorporated these ideas into his designs, which others proclaim him to be a really creative and innovative designer...
thus, to be "creative", we don't really have to start from scratch... if we broaden our horizons, and then incorporate ideas from other areas into the field we are working on, that would become a source of creativity. this sounds a little like blue ocean strategy isn't it, it's like a formula for innovation! but of course this is just one of the possible ways to spark creativity perhaps...
the next problem to consider probably, would be whether one is daring enough to put his creative ideas into actions. verner panton might actually be one of the few lucky ones who made it big with his novel ideas... there might be others out there who did think of things out of the box, but remained relatively unknown and have yet to be acknowledged. and i bet people's initial response to such fresh ideas might not have been very positive... so how did creative and innovative people such as verner panton actually find the drive to keep doing things that are different?
passion perhaps? or was it their stubborness to try something that's relatively different? or it was their desire to spread their ideas to others around them? or could it even be something as absurb (to me at least) as to fulfilling their dream of changing (even a small part of) the world???
i suppose, a vital portion to their actions would be courage. the courage to be different. the courage to persist despite negative reactions to their works.
i really wonder. in facing with my quarter life crisis (opps i'm quoting you zhida) will i have the courage to persist? in a path that's so much different from what others trek down... and in a path where i might face prejudice... do i really have to do this? i might be much better off if i take the common path to become a conventional engineer (oh so boring)... why must i do something radically different from others? and what if the path i have in mind turns out to be unsuitable for me? there is just so much uncertainty that i am so hesitant to make my decision...
i was kinda fearless initially when i applied for a job in the gaming industry... and i was quite confident of getting it... like... 66%? haha! then in the end i guess i kamikazed myself because i just had to voice my opinion during the final interview (which wasn't necessary in the first place... but oh well... haha~)
well... failure was not supposed to demoralize me -that- much. but some of the questions posted to me during my interviews did start me thinking... like how the gaming industry is male-dominant... this means there are few girls, and i would be very likely to have differing opinions from the majority in project teams... and this industry might not be that... sympathetic to female related issues, such as settling down and establishing a family... i mean, this industry most likely requires a lot of OT on a pretty regular basis... if i were to have my own family, the time i have for them would be minimal... which is something i'm unwilling to compromise at this point in time.
and... as i tried to apply for the game designer position... when i was asked whether i had written any stories recently, i replied honestly that i didn't. but i do blog (though not so much on a regular basis during my final year in school...) which i didn't really mention in the end... i guess my blog entries do flow pretty well... erms... right? haha! but i did start to doubt whether i'm good at story telling... i'm such a NEET and i can't really communicate verbally that well... i guess i'm a little better at writing...? haha~ i'm not -that- bad right? it doesn't mean that if i haven't written stories, or even told stories verbally, that i'm not good at them, isn't it? =X
and since i didn't get the job i had tried so hard for, i started making backup plans... which involve me taking a one year diploma course in game programming... when i went to submit my application form, the company providing the course seemed... dubious. and that's when i really became doubtful about my choice of taking the course. i mean... with all these challenges i foresee, is it really worth it for me to go all out of the way, just to achieve something i find... interesting? i mean, i can go on with my life with a normal (read. boring~) software engineer job and have a much higher paying job with my ideal 5 day work week... why should i take the tougher path??? why should i try to be different?
this brings me to other points about my life which i have just set them aside and not done much pondering yet. the idea of working hard for a certain goal. we work hard on something because we feel that the end result is something worthwhile right? what if... the end result we foresee has no value? would you still work hard on it? or would you just sit back and just let it go auto pilot (as in just... not do much for it)?
this was the issue i had with my fyp for the past year. i knew, no matter how hard i work on my final year project, my results would neither go up nor down. so... should i put in all my energy on this project? or just let it slide?
my decision was to just take it easy. i mean... why bother when there is no change in the end result? to me that's the same as having no value in working hard.
when my mum found out i got a b+ for my fyp(which isn't that bad, though we knew i could do much better than that) she asked me what happened, so i voiced out my thoughts. i regretted later as i could tell she was really sad that i had totally no motivation for the project which was already over by now. and i felt sad because i knew what i said had hurt her. i mean, i was so self-motivated in the past, what happened to me man.
and ever since the end of school... i have been like a couch potato ever since... never contributing to the society (by working), just eating sleeping playing game and repeat the above cycle... i'm just like a worthless bum... (opps that sounds really harsh) i mean i enjoy this kind of hikikomori life once in a while, but for me to have persisted for a month was really... omg for my mum. so when i told her that if i don't see any value in working for something, then i wouldn't do it... my mum said... there's like no value in taking care of me cos i'm like a pig these days and totally not contributing to the family or society, then why should she do it?
hmmmmms good question... hees... cos of responsibility? nahh? hmmms i wonder...
i probably can't find a satisfactory answer to this question...
i guess... we should work hard first, when we see value in the end result of our efforts. even when hard work seems not to be worthwhile, we'll slog for it because of responsibility. or the will to self-improve. ahh. all the philosophy. i'm a little skeptical about this though i'm the one who said it... it's a little like bullshit to me now... haha.
ok, assuming that what i've suggested above is true... what if... we really can't find the above mentioned 3 reasons to work hard? would we still give up in the end? should we? hmmmms... more food for thought.
ok putting that issue aside... back to the career path quarter life crisis... after the museum exhibit, i guess i found a little courage there... well, i'm not the only female that's dreams to work in the gaming industry... it will definitely be hard... but look at all those people before me! there had been people who were the firsts in doing a particular thing... like the first in coming up with a certain design, or the first to participate in a certain kind of event... verner panton is one of the many out there... and... i had a glimpse of the first and only female that participates in bull-fighting from a tv show advertisement... and that's also a male dominated field... if she can do it, why can't i?
nothing's easy... and if i can identify a goal for me to work towards, and if i were to focus on that single goal, i can succeed. though there would be many challenges along the way, but wouldn't it be more fun that way? and isn't it worthwhile to attempt to fulfill a dream while i am still young? i don't wanna regret after most of my life had gone by for not having the courage to dream while i was young...
and... i've played games all my life. i would really really like to work on something that would bring joy to others, just like how it had brought joy and entertainment to me... unlike working on some corporate telecommunications project, which i can't really feel the direct impact of my work on the public... (oh no, i'm not condemning these kind of jobs, really. it's just... not my cup of tea perhaps?)
so i guess... i'm all set! i just need to pack my passion, feelings, and a little bit of courage into my backpack (and hopefully a torchlight... anyone out there know any torchlights out there? haha) and... i'll be off for my adventure of my lifetime!!! omg. don't i sound a little like luffy out on an adventure? lolx~ thank you verner panton and the mysterious female bull fighter out there! =)
and thanks kt, sheila, wendy and kelvin for helping me convince myself and passing some of ur positivity to me =) i needed that! ^^
28 March 2009
Again and again, I'm back at the same question I started out with a few months ago.
I don't know why I felt so terrible trying to tell you my most inner thoughts.
So much that I can't help but to start tearing.
I know it's me. It's not your fault.
The things I said I thought I was going to hurt you.
But you brushed them off as though they're nothing.
Were you really as strong as you seem?
I feel like a lost child
Wandering through darkness
Crying while searching
for that single eternity.
What exactly is that?
True love? Or...?
Between love and career
which would you choose?
I've made a silly mistake 4 years ago.
I'm not going to make the same one again.
The situation this time is so much different.
Even if I knew it would be worth it this time
Would I take the same steps I took before?
I'm sorry I can't trust you 100%
I guess there's no way I could do that
Especially after all those things I had encountered.
I know you think there's no right or wrong
But I want to let you know
It always pained me whenever you're upset.
Sometimes When We Touch
You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you've tried
I've watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
どうしてどうして 好きなんだろう
こんなに 涙 溢れてる
あの頃は 失うものが多すぎて 何も歌えなかった
少し離れた場所 そこが私の 居場所だった
君の瞳の奥に あの日 さみしさを見つけた
気付けばいつも 隣にいてくれた
どうしてこんなに 好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しいほど 響いてるヨ
いままで何が 支えだったか
遠く離れて わかったよ
泣きながら 捜し続けた 迷子の 子供のように
けどそこには 永遠なんて あるわけなくて
「誰も信じなければ いいんだよ」 唾やいたね
あの時君を 守ると決めたのに
どうして思い出に できないんだろう
遠すぎて 近すぎて 届かないよ
「忘れよう」って 思えば思うほど
君が大きく なってくよ
どうしてこんなに 好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しいほど 響いてるヨ
いままで何が 支えだったか
遠く離れて わかったよ
どうして 君を 好きになったんだろう
Why, oh why do I love you so much?
My tears overflow this much
Back in that time, there was so much to lose that I couldn't sing anything
The place you had left for a while--That was where I was
That day, deep in your eyes, I saw the loneliness
Are the two of us really alike?
If I'd realized it, you were always by my side
Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings inside me so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
From afar, I realize it now
Like a lost child, crying and searching
But there was no such thing as forever
"It's okay if you don't believe in anyone" you whispered
Were the two of us really alike?
And I decided then I would protect you
Why can't I turn them to memories
You're too far, too near for me to reach
The more I tell myself "I will forget"
The larger you loom in my thoughts
Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings (inside me) so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
I realize it now from afar
Why do I love you so much?
It's so easy I just can't answer
I don't know why I felt so terrible trying to tell you my most inner thoughts.
So much that I can't help but to start tearing.
I know it's me. It's not your fault.
The things I said I thought I was going to hurt you.
But you brushed them off as though they're nothing.
Were you really as strong as you seem?
I feel like a lost child
Wandering through darkness
Crying while searching
for that single eternity.
What exactly is that?
True love? Or...?
Between love and career
which would you choose?
I've made a silly mistake 4 years ago.
I'm not going to make the same one again.
The situation this time is so much different.
Even if I knew it would be worth it this time
Would I take the same steps I took before?
I'm sorry I can't trust you 100%
I guess there's no way I could do that
Especially after all those things I had encountered.
I know you think there's no right or wrong
But I want to let you know
It always pained me whenever you're upset.
Sometimes When We Touch
You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you've tried
I've watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
どうしてどうして 好きなんだろう
こんなに 涙 溢れてる
あの頃は 失うものが多すぎて 何も歌えなかった
少し離れた場所 そこが私の 居場所だった
君の瞳の奥に あの日 さみしさを見つけた
気付けばいつも 隣にいてくれた
どうしてこんなに 好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しいほど 響いてるヨ
いままで何が 支えだったか
遠く離れて わかったよ
泣きながら 捜し続けた 迷子の 子供のように
けどそこには 永遠なんて あるわけなくて
「誰も信じなければ いいんだよ」 唾やいたね
あの時君を 守ると決めたのに
どうして思い出に できないんだろう
遠すぎて 近すぎて 届かないよ
「忘れよう」って 思えば思うほど
君が大きく なってくよ
どうしてこんなに 好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しいほど 響いてるヨ
いままで何が 支えだったか
遠く離れて わかったよ
どうして 君を 好きになったんだろう
Why, oh why do I love you so much?
My tears overflow this much
Back in that time, there was so much to lose that I couldn't sing anything
The place you had left for a while--That was where I was
That day, deep in your eyes, I saw the loneliness
Are the two of us really alike?
If I'd realized it, you were always by my side
Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings inside me so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
From afar, I realize it now
Like a lost child, crying and searching
But there was no such thing as forever
"It's okay if you don't believe in anyone" you whispered
Were the two of us really alike?
And I decided then I would protect you
Why can't I turn them to memories
You're too far, too near for me to reach
The more I tell myself "I will forget"
The larger you loom in my thoughts
Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings (inside me) so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
I realize it now from afar
Why do I love you so much?
It's so easy I just can't answer
16 February 2009
i guess i haven't cried in such a long time. ^^
nothing really moves me these days.
but going back to watch something that has once touched me...
i guess it certainly brings back memories.
in fact it made new memories.
For those that didn't understand,
All the while I've been running,
What for?
I knew.
I have forgotten the thing that's important to me.
What could I do to remember that?
After watching that, I knew.
That unwavering will I had
was already lost.
For what purpose,
is there any need for it?
All these while I have gradually become unable to understand that.
Initially I thought that song can only convey sad feelings.
But, after hearing it one more time, it could also convey warmth to others.
I was alarmed.
But that made me happy.
Eternal Snow
君を好きになって どれくらい経つのかナ?
気持ち 膨らんでゆくばかりで
君は この思い気付いているのかナ?
一度も言葉には してないけど
雪のように ただ静かに
降り積もり つづけてゆく
Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 涙止まらない
こんなんじゃ 君のこと
知らずにいれば 良かったよ
君をいつまで 思っているのかナ?
ため息が窓ガラス 曇らせた
揺れる心 灯すキャンドルで
今 溶かして ゆけないかナ?
Hold me tight 折れるほど強く
木枯らし 吹雪に出会っても
I miss you 君を思うたび
編みかけの このマフラー
今夜も一人 抱きしめるよ
君へと続くこの思い 隠せるのかナ?
Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 胸に込み上げる
今すぐ君に 会いたいよ
Here's the translation (again! haha)
I fell in love with you
Just how long has it been since then?
My feelings have only been getting stronger.
I wonder have you realized..how I feel..
Even though I never said a word.
It is like a snowflake drifting gently, continuing to pile up...higher and higher.
Hold me tight if this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone.
I never want to know that feeling.
I love you, I can't stop my tears from falling.
In that case then you should have never have come into my life.
I wonder how long will I keep thinking about you?
My breath is fogging up the glass window.
My trembling heart...is next to the lit candle...
and melting now... I wonder... will it survive?
Hold me tight, so tight that I might break.
So when we meet in the frigid gate of a blizzard..it won't be cold anymore..
I miss you..I think of you..so far away
With this hand-knit muffler...
I'm here alone..holding myself again tonight...
If the snow keeps on falling forever...will it cover my feeling for you?
Hold me tight if this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone.
I never wanted to know that feeling.
I love you, It's filling up in my heart..
I want to shout to the winter sky..
I want to meet you right now...
Hold Me Tight...
I Love You....
nothing really moves me these days.
but going back to watch something that has once touched me...
i guess it certainly brings back memories.
in fact it made new memories.
For those that didn't understand,
All the while I've been running,
What for?
I knew.
I have forgotten the thing that's important to me.
What could I do to remember that?
After watching that, I knew.
That unwavering will I had
was already lost.
For what purpose,
is there any need for it?
All these while I have gradually become unable to understand that.
Initially I thought that song can only convey sad feelings.
But, after hearing it one more time, it could also convey warmth to others.
I was alarmed.
But that made me happy.
Eternal Snow
君を好きになって どれくらい経つのかナ?
気持ち 膨らんでゆくばかりで
君は この思い気付いているのかナ?
一度も言葉には してないけど
雪のように ただ静かに
降り積もり つづけてゆく
Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 涙止まらない
こんなんじゃ 君のこと
知らずにいれば 良かったよ
君をいつまで 思っているのかナ?
ため息が窓ガラス 曇らせた
揺れる心 灯すキャンドルで
今 溶かして ゆけないかナ?
Hold me tight 折れるほど強く
木枯らし 吹雪に出会っても
I miss you 君を思うたび
編みかけの このマフラー
今夜も一人 抱きしめるよ
君へと続くこの思い 隠せるのかナ?
Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 胸に込み上げる
今すぐ君に 会いたいよ
Here's the translation (again! haha)
I fell in love with you
Just how long has it been since then?
My feelings have only been getting stronger.
I wonder have you realized..how I feel..
Even though I never said a word.
It is like a snowflake drifting gently, continuing to pile up...higher and higher.
Hold me tight if this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone.
I never want to know that feeling.
I love you, I can't stop my tears from falling.
In that case then you should have never have come into my life.
I wonder how long will I keep thinking about you?
My breath is fogging up the glass window.
My trembling heart...is next to the lit candle...
and melting now... I wonder... will it survive?
Hold me tight, so tight that I might break.
So when we meet in the frigid gate of a blizzard..it won't be cold anymore..
I miss you..I think of you..so far away
With this hand-knit muffler...
I'm here alone..holding myself again tonight...
If the snow keeps on falling forever...will it cover my feeling for you?
Hold me tight if this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone.
I never wanted to know that feeling.
I love you, It's filling up in my heart..
I want to shout to the winter sky..
I want to meet you right now...
Hold Me Tight...
I Love You....
08 February 2009
it's been a really really long time since i last blogged...
and seriously, i have no idea wad i wanna blog today as well...
just feeling... restless... maybe cos i dun really know wad i wanna do now? despite having so many things weighing on me like my 2 quizzes next week and my piling amount of lagging schoolwork, and not to mention my job-search and possible phd professor search... there's just so many things out there for me to do! but maybe it's cos i know there's so much to do to the point i'm confused between my priorities? that's y i juz wanna procrastinate even for just one more day? haha~
i haven't been really talking about those erms... "cheem" things or thoughts that i have these days... i do think about them actually, just that i probably seldom place them on my blog these days... and now i do have a regular outlet for me to "vent" my frustrations to... *opps sorry to the unfortunate being... haha!* so yups, there's probably less motivation for me to blog. but in my recent japanese class i did discuss this topic with my group... so this kinda sprung the idea that i should probably come back to my blog once in a while... =Pp afterall, i haven't blogged in a month! my goodness!
i guess i'm standing at the crossroads again... unsure of where to go next. should i take a phd and continue down the path of a researcher? or should i try to pursue my interests and work in a job with relatively lower pay? do i need the money as badly as i sound? well, having more money surely wouldn't hurt. and i might be even able to help support my family n stuff... help my dad retire earlier or something... =X i dunno... but definitely having more money is good. but is research definitely the thing for me? would i be able to persist in research work? on the other hand, i'm looking at game programmer jobs which is definitely my passion (i think haha!) but i may or may not get it, and the starting pay would definitely be lower than that of a researcher... =X
my parents advise me to spread my options out... but seriously, i feel it's stressing me... cos i have to put in double the effort others put in for their future path. well, i guess i'm always like that. somehow i have the "disturbing" habit of putting myself at disadvantage, and having to work twice the amount of others bahs... like for japanese class i think i'm doing double the learning as compared to my classmates (i'm not sure of that actually, cos i think some are taking external courses out of school) but some don't seem to even bother with their school work. and then in previous semesters i study and teach tuition at the same time n stuff, having less time on my hands to study play n rest. but it's this stressful life that makes me feel fulfilling. and maybe even happy. lolx~ maybe i'm just a weirdo~~
anyways, i'm feeling really giddy now all of a sudden, maybe it's time to call it a day... =X
and seriously, i have no idea wad i wanna blog today as well...
just feeling... restless... maybe cos i dun really know wad i wanna do now? despite having so many things weighing on me like my 2 quizzes next week and my piling amount of lagging schoolwork, and not to mention my job-search and possible phd professor search... there's just so many things out there for me to do! but maybe it's cos i know there's so much to do to the point i'm confused between my priorities? that's y i juz wanna procrastinate even for just one more day? haha~
i haven't been really talking about those erms... "cheem" things or thoughts that i have these days... i do think about them actually, just that i probably seldom place them on my blog these days... and now i do have a regular outlet for me to "vent" my frustrations to... *opps sorry to the unfortunate being... haha!* so yups, there's probably less motivation for me to blog. but in my recent japanese class i did discuss this topic with my group... so this kinda sprung the idea that i should probably come back to my blog once in a while... =Pp afterall, i haven't blogged in a month! my goodness!
i guess i'm standing at the crossroads again... unsure of where to go next. should i take a phd and continue down the path of a researcher? or should i try to pursue my interests and work in a job with relatively lower pay? do i need the money as badly as i sound? well, having more money surely wouldn't hurt. and i might be even able to help support my family n stuff... help my dad retire earlier or something... =X i dunno... but definitely having more money is good. but is research definitely the thing for me? would i be able to persist in research work? on the other hand, i'm looking at game programmer jobs which is definitely my passion (i think haha!) but i may or may not get it, and the starting pay would definitely be lower than that of a researcher... =X
my parents advise me to spread my options out... but seriously, i feel it's stressing me... cos i have to put in double the effort others put in for their future path. well, i guess i'm always like that. somehow i have the "disturbing" habit of putting myself at disadvantage, and having to work twice the amount of others bahs... like for japanese class i think i'm doing double the learning as compared to my classmates (i'm not sure of that actually, cos i think some are taking external courses out of school) but some don't seem to even bother with their school work. and then in previous semesters i study and teach tuition at the same time n stuff, having less time on my hands to study play n rest. but it's this stressful life that makes me feel fulfilling. and maybe even happy. lolx~ maybe i'm just a weirdo~~
anyways, i'm feeling really giddy now all of a sudden, maybe it's time to call it a day... =X
02 January 2009
just started watching 絶対彼氏 and it's so addictive and shiok... ^^ although the mtv is nothing much, but the actual song makes me feel pretty relaxed and i love it =) here's the lyrics of the ending song by ayaka... enjoy~~
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
信じることの大切さ わかってるのに
いざという時 疑ってしまうんです
空っぽの体 流れる時に
あなたのこと 抱きしめたい
おかえり I'm home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう sweet home
でも必死で帰ることを 叫んでる人
もいるんだと やっと知ったんです
当たり 前の 幸せなんか
あなたのため そう思えた
おかえり I'm home
おかえり sweet home
変わらない ずっとある景色 sweet home
探して なくした
心の傷が 立ち向かう強さに変われたのは
おかえり I'm home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
おかえり I'm home
大丈夫 あなたがいるから
おかえり sweet home
待っててね もうすぐ着くから sweet home
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
信じることの大切さ わかってるのに
いざという時 疑ってしまうんです
空っぽの体 流れる時に
あなたのこと 抱きしめたい
おかえり I'm home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう sweet home
でも必死で帰ることを 叫んでる人
もいるんだと やっと知ったんです
当たり 前の 幸せなんか
あなたのため そう思えた
おかえり I'm home
おかえり sweet home
変わらない ずっとある景色 sweet home
探して なくした
心の傷が 立ち向かう強さに変われたのは
おかえり I'm home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
おかえり I'm home
大丈夫 あなたがいるから
おかえり sweet home
待っててね もうすぐ着くから sweet home
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