these are taken during our ktv session one day before my birthday with my ntu clique... the photos are not that clear so bear with them ^^

the ktv session was shiok! but not shiok enough for me because for those who know me, 3 hrs of ktv is simply NOT ENOUGH! haha ok lah ignore me and my craziness... anyway the cake upstairs was really yummy and i really enjoyed the entire ktv session... ^^ thanks again to everyone! and thanks to wen lin for taking these photos!
sometimes... i wonder if thinking too much is a good thing. i think i've kinda stopped dwelling too much and too deep into matters. well it did make me happier a little, because i don't feel vexed over matters i can't arrive at a satisfactory solution. sometimes i do miss the times when i'll rack my brains out thinking about big philosophical ideas, but when i do get frustrated and depressed about how negative things seem in the real world, this doesn't look nor feel that good. so i told myself not to think so much, and as a result i guess i'm becoming more and more bimbotic... ok maybe not since i don't fulfill the boobs criteria =(
"girls are supposed to enjoy dolling themselves up and only go for superficial looks." hmmms i wonder how true that is. how about changing the subject from girls to guys? guys are not much better, but i suppose most girls do like to doll up themselves. afterall, it's not a crime to look pretty isn't it? but i think looking good and having inner beauty can co-exist, and it is not necessary for them to be mutually exclusive.
sometimes i think... is it really that easy for people to fall in and out of love? ok this idea came from one of my favourite manga haha... in general, looking about a lot of people around me, it seems to be the case. people can break up with their previous boyfriend/girlfriend and get attached again like... 1 week after the breakup? as though nothing had happened before? i wonder what's true love then... is it just someone trying to be stubborn to enforce such an idealistic "love" where one will spend ages waiting for the other, or to force oneself to continue loving the other. wait. this idea sounds familiar... i think i heard it from he fang or something before? hmmms...
it's how strange all these floating thoughts in my head can swim around for a really long time, seemingly totally unrelated to one another, and then all of a sudden, pom! they link up as one general idea and make total sense as compared to the original gibberish. wonders of the human brain?
back to the idea of people falling in and out of love quickly... somehow this world seems so superficial... sometimes i wonder if i'm superficial like those people i kind of despise... haha... maybe superficial not in the relationship sense? ok maybe i'm superficial when it comes to relationships too, because i must admit, when i see someone for the first time, i do form judgements to a certain extent based on that person's looks. and it'll be good if my future boyfriend isn't too bad looking too. but somehow... this whole idea of being so shallow about relationships... it disgusts me. like how some guys can just go chasing a girl when they barely know each other. i want to puke when i see some of these guys trying to sweet talk girls in hope of earning themselves a cute girlfriend. do they only think about their bottom and not their upper torso? =S
and sometimes, i'm skeptical about this whole notion of love. i feel that humans are selfish by nature. we'll love ourselves more than we love others... so when someone claims that they like you... could it just be that that guy/girl just wants to enjoy the presence and existence of a girlfriend/boyfriend? how many would be able to truly love their other partners more than they love themselves? well, i think it's not necessary to have such unconditional love. or rather, it's not practical, because when only one party in the relationship is giving this unconditional love, it will very likely be taken for granted. since it's not good to love unconditionally, and the motive for love itself doesn't seem to be pure itself, why love? is it just to chase away loneliness or just for one to show off or something? why even expose yourself to possible hurt in the future when the relationship turns bad?
ok lah, that's enough for now... right now i need sleep... zzz...
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