17 September 2007

just my thoughts on presentations...

1. it's better to focus on content and method of delivery rather than on looks... better wear a pair of comfortable shoes... like lower heels... rather than to tremble while presenting...

2. better time management so that you can prepare your speech and slides better... it sux when u're given an assignment with so little time to the deadline, but time can be made for it... and if others can do it, why not you?

3. content wise... people are suckers for examples it seems... and come up with good ones... not boring ones...

4. try to predict audience response... i failed today at trying to get responses from the audience it seems... a few kind souls tried to help me out... my team mates insisted my presentation wasn't that bad... but i can tell that the audience wasn't as interested as i would like them to be... maybe it was my dry topic? hmmms... if only i had more time to think about my presentation and think of ways to make people interested in what i have to say... remember, people are not obliged to listen... they are there physically, who knows where their soul is... so giving examples is good... varying pitch and tone helps too...

5. self confidence... it is very important to believe in your own abilities... that you can present well and u're confident of your material... even if u're not... well, i wasn't today... was deeply affected by my previous speaker who kept speaking like a bullet train... her speech made me feel nervous though initially i was not... made me feel like i'm a lousy presenter when i compare myself to her... haiz i'm still not good enough not to let others affect me... =(

haiz. it seems i have loads of room for improvement on the presentation skills department.

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