09 April 2007

congrats to me again.

i sprained my back again. !@$%^&*^$#@%^&^#

it was over quite a lame reason... i was teaching my student maths at tuition yesterday... and it seems the posture i had while stretching over to my right to show her the working for like half an hour finally took effect as a permanent sprained back which only showed its true colours just before i went to bed. -_-

considering i can't and don't want to sit in a bad chair without proper and nice cushioning for my back with this lower left backache, i decided to skip school.

with my first paper another 7 days away *excluding today* plus another 17 undone tutorials *oh well i slacked my entire last week away* and my electives quizzes/exam yet unprepared... rawrs. i can foresee my entire degree audit with Cs and Ds for this semester X'(

and i finally stopped believing in the horoscope that i have made it send to my inbox everyday... they said i'm in luck today. what luck.

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